Telmisartan @40mg ED for High Systolic BP


During my cruise of 40mg Test Prop, 20mg Mast Prop, and 20mg of NPP ED, I have added 40mg of Telmisartan ED in divided doses morning and night. I initially did 20mg ED at the behest of @Neuro for longevity and general health, but my systolic BP is pretty regularly 131-145. According to the latest guidelines, that either Stage 1 or Stage 2 Hypertension and increase my risk of a cardiac event or stroke by something like 25%. So I doubled my Telmisartan dosage and have added 20 minutes of mild cardio at the end of each workout (essentially, 20 minutes on the treadmill @ 4 mph and a 1.5% grade). It’s been about a month now since I doubled my dosage, but only a week since I added the end of workout cardio, and low and behold, BP hit 125/60 this morning! So in addition to its longevity and general health benefits, Telmisartan at a relatively small dosage is significantly improving my BP, and without any of the drawbacks of traditional high BP treatments, such as ED, which I would rather die than suffer. I’ll continue with the 40mg dosage and the 20 minutes of low intensity cardio and measure my BP. If it stays in the 120/60-70 range or drops, I’ll maintain. But if it pops back up or varies, I’ll titrate my Telmisartan dosage to 60mg ED. All just FYI.
Maybe try the full dose, 40 mg, at once before bed and Monitor from there! The half-life as pointed out completely negates the need for splitting!

But I’m glad it’s helping! I would even say going up to 80 mg would be acceptable if needed and side effects were non existent.
You and @Neuro raise a good question. My split dosage is a habit of how I started taking it and when I increased my dosage. I didn’t have 40 mg with me so I just took another dose that night, then again in the morning, and it’s been working, so I haven’t wanted to change anything! But I will experiment with 40mg right before bed and see if my systolic improves even further.