Test, EQ, and Npp


Plan is to run Test at 500mg, Eq at 600, and Npp at 450mg per week. My question is about the Npp. Should I run it the full 20 weeks? Wait 8 weeks and run it 12 weeks? Or wait 4 weeks and run it for 16 weeks? Or run it the first 12 or 16 weeks then drop it? The original plan was just to run it all for 20 weeks.
For myself,I typically run everything I use all the same amount of time just to make it easier,with the exception of superdrol which I randomly add on a few weeks here and there…with that being said why did you not just use deca if you were going to run Npp that long?..I would stop it at 12 weeks and save some.
Well my first run with Npp lasted around 12 weeks and I got tired of the PIP but i loved the results I got. So I figured with Test and EQ mixed in I wouldn’t get PIP as much. I already had Test and EQ planned for 20 weeks with either Primo or Npp. So when I decided on the Npp. I just went ahead and got enough for 20 weeks.
I don’t get pip with Npp thankfully…Test p yes,and Tren base burns like a motherfucker during and a hour or two after,but is fine the next day,that’s the only two I have issues with,and if Npp gives you pip fuck pinning it for 20 weeks
I’m interested in what kind of weirdness your talking about,like you start sitting on the sofa naked while watching TV,or you put salt on your cereal or what
Appreciate the opinions gentlemen. @Neuro and @John . Believe I’ll start the Npp off in the beginning. Shoot for 12 to 16 weeks with it depending on the PIP and sides. Have caber on hand but don’t believe I’ll need it though.
😂😂😂😂😂 it’s only weird if you’re dogs are next to you. Noted.

I feel like I can’t control prolactin on extended 19-nor runs. Dick probs. Mood shifts. Mental changes. The only way I know how to describe it is weird. Like the first and only time I tried hgh and didn’t know my prolactin was 4x higher than it should be…

I had no sex drive. My thoughts were all over the place. Wife described me as cold and distant. I had trouble reigning my thoughts in.
Poppy said:
furry buddies
Not sure if how sides are with 19-Nor’s for all of that being said, but I can attest to what @Neuro states in the thoughts needing be reigned in, and a lot of fucking sweating at night when sleeping. A lot better on NPP and tan that for almost 24 weeks lower doses at 350, but worse on Tren A with the thoughts and sweating. Lucky with the other stuff he states, but also took caber twice a week with my AI etc.