Testosterone Prop in cycles


Staff member
I just read a few comments in a thread that references Test Prop. I want to clarify a few things. test p and tren a were my go to for years.

Test Prop has a 4.5 day half life. Not 48 hours. The 48 hours came from bro science years ago. Back in 90s was ed or eod. I often took 1cc (100mg) ed to keep at 700mg dosage. While occasionally increasing the mwf to 2 cc to hit 1g a week. Mainly cause I injected in delts and made more sense to spread it out.

Now lets look at the science from pubchem

To shorten this:

Now when micro dosing you may spread it out. A good friend and IFBB pro years ago back in late 90s and 2000s always pushed mwf for test prop in my cycles. I loved it and was my go to for years after. I never wanted cyp or enan after that because how my body reacted to prop. More acne sure, but gains were harder and better.

Im sure @PHD has some insight into how the guys take it now for cycles and competition.
Thanks @TG I always read it was about 4 days, although there are sone charts I’ve screen shotted and it said different but not in a good way, shorter like you said.
Some of this came from residence life of the compound in oral administration. Even most real studies showing will say 2-3 days to error on the safer side. 3 days inbetween is fine.

Always look for legitimate references and not wikipedia thats run by nerds and whatever they find. Pubchem is a bit more strict on what is considered a valid study and source.
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Thanks and yes, Wikipedia sucks,not one college professor would accept them as a reference on a paper
There was a documentary that interviewed the people running it. A group of nerds happy to work for free and be the gatekeepers talking about how they just googled and locked answers they didnt like. How important their free position was to helping it lol
Yep. Several well known coaches would tell me mwf was fine for my cycles. I do like dosing daily but for me its just personal preference and how i like structure in my life on a daily routine.
Good read! I too, used prop as my cycle base for years … my rational was to attempt to hold less water with the uptick in my caloric intake. I’ve read various articles on “holding less water” with prop… although no real empirical studies as is common with gear. But seemed to work form me! Thx
Thanks for posting. Everything I had read was 4.5 days, lots of MWF dosing, and you may have been reading the post I started. This was solid info with solid sources. Thanks again.
You can pubmed all day long but it doesnt last 4.5 days or the vets…like me…wouldnt be telling the newbs ed or eod pins. 48 hours and the dropout is damn near a cliff. The entire reasoning is keeping PEAKS and avoiding VALLEYS. The steadier the levels the less fluctuations. Less fluctuations…less acne, losses, attitude changes, estro changes–spikes AND dips. Its exactly why long esters are also pinned biweekly. Or as with sustanon ed or eod.

Bummer…links wont stick…whatever…
I’ve use prop a lot during prop for many years have always done MWF I’ve never had acne, attitude changes nor any drop offs, no losses no problems with estrogen.

Also when I use sust depending on how much I do I don’t pin that ED no need to you have several esters in it.

With all that said I do however do micro dosing during prep now for the last 2 seasons. Off season no so much because I get annoyed pinning everyday.
3 times a week is all thats needed. If your having a dropout after 48 hours Id say you should check your source. Because vets like myself (20+ years into this), numerous IFBB pros and coaches and national level top atheletes like @PHD never have problems with 3 times a week.

You can argue anything is best with microdosing methods.

Sust definitely doesnt need to be ed.
Half life is less so you should be doing that ed to stay on safe side.

People arent understanding days = hours.

7 days a week = 168 hours a week.

2 - 3 days = 48 - 72 hours

Test prop has a 4.5 (108 hours) half life.

Now for those that dont know heres a simple explaination of half life in medicine.

Test prop is usually studied and recommended in humans (this is important) at 2-3 days apart. So lets take the longest time of 72 hours.

Now lets look at 3 times a week. Remember 3 times a week is NOT every 3 full days even. We have 7 days a week not 9 days.

168 hours a week ÷ 3 weekly injections breaks into 56 hours apart. Thats a monday morning injection. Wednesday afternoon. Friday evening. Your going to get a difference of 8 hours (estimate out ± 2 if not exact on inj times) between 48 hours (2 days) and 3 injects a week. 7 days a week ÷ 3 injections every 2.3 days you have an injection. Well within range under the 3 days (72 hours) and people with their broscience want to say you cant take prop 3 times a week. Its a third of a day longer (8 hours) then eod 48 hours…

Even if stretching out to friday morning - monday morning then your just at 3 days for that shot (72 hours) well within the time. (Dont count on your fingers, it may confuse some people) Friday 7am - Sat 7am (1 day) + Sat 7am - Sun 7 am (2nd day) + Sun 7am - Mon 7am (3rd day = 72 hours).

Half lifes are determined using pharma grade chemical products. So if your having issues with bloods as we see on some people, check your source.
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And again @TG with the truth bombs. That’s actually good info bro. Thanks for finding and sharing.
Good info. here! I am pinning it ED right and my first tome using it versus long esters. Based on what I am reading from @PHD and @TG would you say that if it’s been good for me so far at ED mixed with my ED pin of Tren A, that I’m good to keep that up, or is that too often??
If your doing test prop and tren a ED that’s fine. No problem as long as your not having a problem. I’m not saying it has to be mwf with prop, but it can be.

Doing daily is good if you don’t have issues. On long runs I would take the two in slin pins ed sometimes because of the high volume of oil I’d be injecting.
Copy that! So far, so good. But, it’s good to know that 3/wk is sufficient going forward by itself. You are correct with it being somewhat of a PITA having to pin ed. We shall see if I can make this a long run, or if I fizzle out shorter due to the annoyance of ed 😁