The best oral steroid IMO. Halotestin Review


Staff member
One of least carried and most expensive oral steroid is Halotestin or Halo. Halotestin is name for the drug Fluoxymesterone. Its used in the treatment of low testosterone in men.

-Bioavailability: Oral: 80%[3]
Liver (6β-hydroxylation, 5α- and 5β-reduction, 3α- and 3β-keto-oxidation, 11β-hydroxy-oxidation)[2]
• 5α‑Dihydrofluoxymesterone[2]
• 11-Oxofluoxymesterone[2]
-Elimination half-life: 9.2 hours[4][5]
-Excretion: Urine (<5% unchanged)

I know many people havent a chance to try it or afraid to so I will document my experienes on “dangerous” compounds.

My first experience with halotestin I was hearing alot of negative information and how it affected people. Nonetheless I decided to run it. I can describe it as the best pre workout drug on the market and the strength and motivation felt phenominal.

Like many have stated I also felt aggression to everything during my hours immediately following my workout. This is one of the main steroids I cant wait to get back on.
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Love halo start mine next week can’t wait. It’s the only substance that effects my mood though
I have sparred with several that have used Halo specifically for the increase in raw aggression and explosive response.

Is it as popular in the powerlifting community as we may have read?
Can you describe how you LOVE the way you feel on it? As in while your at the gym,or your mood overall while your on it @TG?
It is popular. Great for strength gains.

@John its while your at the gym. It has a short half life so thats why I say its the best preworkout ever. You take it before the gym and your training session is amazing.
I’ve never gotten an effect pre workout. Halo was so cheap when it was by script. Wasn’t Atlantis making a legit halo in Mexico for years? They made sten. God that’s been 15 years already. Sten was a buck for two and 20 2mg halo was whatever😴
The powerlifting couple I used to lift with swears by this stuff, and I fucking believe it. I’ve seen them make some insane strength improvements on top of their already amazingly strong lifts while running Halo.
Like rnmuscle stated it used to be cheap. I still get it semi cheap compared to most places. But imo its worth the money.