The importance of taking your time


Gearchurch sponsored athlete
Wanted to drop a quick post about the importance of taking your time when pinning. I have had to put myself on the shelf for the last 10 days. I’ve been in contact with my sponsor @Iron_Junkie_Labs throughout this whole recovery process, who’s been great in offering me advice on this issue.

75%of the time I have my wife give me my glute injections, she’s done this for me countless times. That being said last Tuesday when she pinned me one of two things happened. I have been recovering from either a clean abcess or she simply missed the mark by a fraction of an inch (possibly she was in a bit of a hurry) and for 5+ days I could not walk (literally). In my craft and what I’m trying to accomplish at the present time, this was a huge, costly mistake. The swelling in my glute was to not only include the entire upper half of my glute which was as hard as a baseball and the knot greater than the size of one but as the days went on last week, the swelling, redness and inflammation moved down the side of my left leg around to my hamstring and all of my entire hip which was the most painful, most swollen and if you’ve ever injured your hip in any way you know that your hip totally controls your mobility and ability to walk which I couldn’t do without a horrible limp or some assistance for about 5 days.

Today is day 10 since that pin and I am nearly back to 100% now and this is without going to the ER which I was very, very close to having to put myself thru the embarrassment of doing Saturday and Sunday bc the pain was getting to be unbearable and the redness was beginning to worry me but I toughed it out till Monday and everything started to ease up and heal.

So again, I cannot stress enough the importance of taking your time, regardless of your experience it only takes a small error to hinder yourself, your goals, or more importantly your health.
I was very, very close to going. Two straight sleepless nights over the weekend
last just about did it. I had every intention on going Monday morning but when I woke up the swelling had reduced by half and nearly all the redness had dissipated. I’m in the hurt business and I can deal with a certain amount of pain but this my friend was on a whole other level. Thanks you @SemperFi I’m glad I’m recovering nicely now as well. I’m going to take the rest of this week through the weekend to finish healing properly and should be ready to go 100% come Monday.
A heating pad brother 24hrs a day will clear it up as long as its not infected.
I’ve had that happen to me with primo ace with gluicol and it was horrible.
It took about 3 days with a heating pad and full blast hot water in the shower on the spot to break it up and get me back.

Wish you the best
Its pretty much healed now brother. I did heating pads, ice packs, Tiger Balm, Naproxen, and ibuprofen…it was absolutely horrible bro, it hurt to sit, lay, stand…and everything in between.
In some cases a knot like that has nothing to do with the gear but inproper hygiene or injection technique. Also pinning in a bad spot or a previously pinned spot that hasn’t recovered just yet could cause abnormal discomfort. Our gear is double filtered and always clean, our track record proves it! My athlete @N8GainTrain and I discussed this extensively and we believe in his case it was plain a simply a bad injection spot as he has been using all our gear for close to a year with no problems and i do mean great results! 👏
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@Iron_Junkie_Labs much appreciated on the feedback, I am just curious if this is more prone to happen if gear is crashed or prone to crash. Obviously there is a fix for crashed gear that is known to be f*cking awesome.
But for the beginner that needs to know, it would make sense to me that gear that is or has crashed runs a high risk of causing issues like this… crystalization of the chemicals or compounds in the muscle after injection. Which could lead to issues stated above.

*** Edit
Please follow so you can see what questions and statements I get involved in and concerned with!
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@josh Yes that is a possibility as well brother! Crahsed gear in your muscle can cause discomfort but not to this extent that @N8GainTrain endured. From our list i have yet to have any feedback on our gear for pip and even on our items that are known to crystalize a bit like inject orals and 1-test cyp. But i must state again everyone says our gear is smooth agter inejction.
Im new. But as my husband @josh brought up about crashed gear.

Just speaking about it in general… how would you know if you had crashed gear? Is there a way to tell before pinning?
Just another basic question. Were exactly do you all pin? Like specs. When my husband @josh first started i had already known a pinning spot due to being on the depot. When he first started i would divide his glute into quarters. Then in the top right quarter I’d divide that into quarters again and then right in the center is were i used to pin him.

So im just curious to know of your methods as hitting the sciatic nerve or veins is a big concern to me
Okay, now that I’m home and not driving…I would like to add additional comments to my post and to further elaborate on what @Iron_Junkie_Labs stated.

I have ran not every compound but I’d say 75% of IJL’s product list. I’ve never experienced any pip from any oil with the exception of TNE and I believe that is bc at one point during my last cycle in the lead up to a fight I was pinning it daily, some days twice a day the last 2-3 weeks before fight night. With that said I do not experience pip when pinning TNE on any other occasion, the only other crashed gear was the old NPP which I ran for 10 weeks with tremendous results and no pip at all with that compund weather pinning ed or eod.

As @Iron_Junkie_Labs stated we were in contact throughout my unfortunate experience these last couple weeks and as I assured him I’ll state for the record it had absolutely nothing to do with the gear, and was 100% on me and or technic. My wife either pinned a knot that was already there from a previous injection or she just rushed or missed the correct pinning spot. I’ve been running his DECA, TEST E (for 3 weeks) and periodically TNE (2-3 days a week).

Just wanted to clarify myself so as to how or what lead to this happening.
Crashed gear will look crystallized. Kinnda like little crystals in the vial which is the steroid coming out of displacement. Can be solved by heating.
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patience is key! i knew a guy who tried rub a knot out with a buffer one time and it looked so fucked up. sometimes people just have bad shots and it can be hard to pinpoint the exact cause, in my exp anti inflammatorys, not sitting or laying (rolls eyes) and TIME work best. and don’t shoot the spot again for a while for the love of god
Ive had this happen almost to the same effect as @N8GainTrain! Its no joke and no fun! Im glad you are doing better bro and just because gear crashed doesnt mean its gonna be bad to inject i just heat it back into solution and pin away 😉