This the season to be bulking

@JLee Yeah I first ran test only ,Then I ran test with dbol , test and deca , now I thinks it’s time for the test deca and dbol . 4 weeks of dbol is enough for me ! Thanks for your input brotha much appreciated good luck with the rest of your cycle kill it !!
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Of course, and there a pill to fix everything ha ha. But really though I hear so much about libido issues, or bloat issues, but never about pre/probiotics work wonders for bloat and discomfort, or hear about guys takin deca n having decadick but don’t use proviron again, it works wonders for libido.
Yes I hear lots of guys talk about deca dick … guess I’m one of the Lucky ones bc when I ran deca I had no shutdown what so ever it was the opposite for me … the wife had to push me away lol can’t wait to run it again actually now that I think about it !!
How long you been on cycles brother @Dirtnasty . I don’t think I could do it. I am actually looking forward to giving my body and receptors a good two month break. Still gonna have TRT maybe low dose with some Kisspeptin still gonna focus on diet and still gonna hit the gym. Just no serious gear for a while.
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I took a good 8 week cruise after this cycle it will be long break for me till ment bulk
I’ve almost 50 and have been around bodybuilders (Nat Level),powerlifers and strongmen who are much larger in stature and consitutions live Klydedale horses and none of them used Deca, let alone more than 400mg/wk. I’ve seen 5 Anadol a day and 800mg Tren/wk (kidneys!)
  1. Taking Deca without testosterone is asking for wicked gyno and serious reproductive and for lack of a better term “Deca Dick” like a limp noodle.
  2. An AI will not help (maybe with dbol) but AI’s like arimdex have a 1/2 life of 3 days. Once a week? I’m curious who told you that/where did you source it from?
  3. Please re-evaluate your compounds and dosages. I’ve seen 300lb’ers using deca along with about 2000+ mg of test and gobs of everything else
    4)" Nandrolone actually increases prolactin in something like 25-50% of users (can’t remember the source right now, I remember reading it a while back). It ALSO directly interacts with progestin receptors.
Now, here is where people usually totally misunderstand Deca. It ALSO increases Estrogen. It does this via a secondary aromatase reaction – which promotes gyno and prolongs the delay in restoring natural Testosterone again when you come off cycle (if you ever come off 100% lol). So again… Keeping estrogen in line is very critical.

Now, what if your estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone are 100% good, but you still get deca-dick? Well, this is where drugs like Cabergoline come in. Due to such drugs impacting our dopamine, it actually helps with libido issues. The same thing can be seen with certain anti-depressants that impact dopamine like Wellbutrin."
Think about it. Men put on SSRIs who can’t get wood are often given low-dose Wellburint (non SSRI anti-depressant).
5) I’m not trying to be jerk but the 20+ yrs of being an RN and learning from gym rat bro-science and street drug users makes me want to STOP users from doing irreperable harm.
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@EL-PEZIDENTE Thanks for the concerns … I’m not sure if you read my post correctly you put 1) not taking test with deca is a concern . Yes I know this witch is why I’m taking 600 mg of test e at my peak of my cycle witch I stated in my post . 2) you said I’m not taking enough ai . I stated 1mg or as needed with blood work I’ll know if I need more . 3) you said ai will not combat prolactin issues . Witch I stated I have my support on hand weather it be caber ,prami,or p5p … I do understand actually where your coming from all good !
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