Thoughts on arimistane

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I don’t know who told you that but it’s not true. It helps with growth but it’s not primarily responsible for growth. Testosterone is was more anabolic the estrogen.
It’s possible it’s taken out of context. Definitely crashing your estrogen with an AI is detrimental to growth but there is no way estrogen is more anabolic that doesn’t make sense.
Sorry rusty. But you gotta think through what the bro’s tell you. @Jonny is absolutely right. Without any clinical data whatsoever, there are things out there in the bro science world that we have to start pausing and thinking through before we pass it along. This is one of them.
Ya. That does make a lot of sense what y’all are saying. Hahaha. I feel stupid now. Oh well live and learn. Sorry for posting bad information.
Estrogen is critical for growth but not the most Nabokov thing. Otherwise that’s what we’d be injecting. But yea you need it that’s why they added eatro to the tren they give cattle
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