Todays Labs


Staff member
I’m a bit disappointed…kinda. My a1c jumped up a point or so. That’s not terrible considering the holidays. My analysis is…although the ozempic restricted my portions, it did not change my choices. So I basically ate more smaller portions of crappy delicious goodies than I was supposed to. The jump is tolerable so long as it trends down next time.

Everything else is “ok”… not great but not terrible. Got to thin blood out a little.


Yeah its not bad but you should be able to easily correct those things. That taken after you ate? Guessing by how high that glucose is.
I noticed you circled the negative numbers in red and good numbers in black. Made it quick to notice the negatives. Nothing is too bad though and you already know where you went wrong. So you know how to adjust to fix it. @Poppy sometimes I think you’re trying to educate us without making it seem like you’re educating us.
Mossy1985 said:
I think you’re trying to educate us without making it seem like you’re educating us.
If folks could take one thing from all my blathering… I hope it’s that they take care of their selves in their 30’s and 40’s. There’s a hefty price to pay for not doing so.

I’m thinking I’m going to be ok BUT it’s going to require extreme vigilance on my part. I don’t have much wiggle room.
An easy easy misstep honestly. And a small one at that. When eating less you think you can eat worse, such an easy mental path.

Now you know. Now you dust off and re-calibrate. Small bump @Poppy small bump.