Touchdown of first cycle


Well-known member
Hey everyone, it has been a while. I got my bloods done a couple days ago, everything looks in check. My gear just arrived and I plan on pinning 250mg 2x a week on Sunday and Wednesday Evenings. I plan on running Test Cyp for 12 weeks and reevaluating from there to end or continue to 16 weeks. I have all my AI’s, PCT, and needles that I need for this cycle and more. Any suggestions or advice before I start? Thank you all for all the help and guiding me through best practices for AAS.
Your plan is perfect for your 1st cycle. Stick with what you got. Start with glutes. I also like lats and Delts. I do not recommend quads although plenty of people do and have no issues. If anything maybe a liver aid. NAC or Glutathione but honestly I think your golden.
Only suggestion would be to rotate you injection sites. I do right flute, left glute, left delt, right delt like a clock. Gives the spots a good amount of time to recover between shots. Good luck bro
I’m on a very similar first cycle currently.

I personally say stay away from quads.

I settled on VG, and delts for my rotation.

Lots of people here to help you along. I look forward to see you get those gainz!
All good advice. Your cycle sounds perfect.

I also rotate sites except delts. I just can’t seem to get them right and they’re very sensitive. Even flu shots/tetanus etc.

Keep those good calories coming in.
Yeah sounds like most people avoid quads so I’ll stay away from them, is there a best way to pin lats? I’m currently on my own in an apartment and can’t think of an effective way to pin there.
I’m also keeping my modified Arnold split hitting everything 2x a week, is there any difference between training on gear? Or is it just train hard and eat well. I figure it’s the same as training naturally just accelerated and more variables.
Just had this conversation offline with another member.

Let’s say you’re going to pin your left lat with your right hand.

Reach across your body with your right arm… put your left arm over your right and grab the back of your right arm in the tricep/elbow area.

Reaching with your left will pop your left lat out and help hold your right hand/arm steady. I tend to hold my right arm right at the elbow to help “wrench” it over farther.

Turn your left side to the mirror… that’ll help to see.

In the pic is exactly how I did it the other day. I had a 7 year old hovering and irritating me and that didn’t help. You can see it wasn’t a good pin but the pip still was almost nonexistent.

Hope this helps. Hit me back with any questions

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Right now I do 150 minutes of cardio a week to keep health as good as possible. This leaves my maintenance at around 3800-4000 I currently eat around 280-300g protein 50-70g fat and everything else goes to carbs which is around 530. As far as percentages it’s 55% carbs, 30% protein, and 15% fat. I usually eat all fruits and vegetables but pre and post workout I have faster carbs like rice, potatoes, etc…
I’ve hosed this up before like @NeuroRN … poked thru and squirted on the wall.

Credit goes to the terminator aka @Kad1 for the initial suggestion and block of instruction for this.