SB Labs

Touchdown of ment


Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.

Dies time having ment with some color to it. Don’t know why but it makes me think it’s stronger
So what does that mean @Dirtnasty,they can show old tests,cause its discontinued? Theyve shown multiple tests to be outdated,and as long as they keep posting outdated tests,i will keep calling them out on it…
You didnt say anything when i brought up their last outdated test,but you did now cause you have the Ment…hmmmm
Not a big seller so it’s very possible it’s the same batch. However, I was very upfront in my above post. He can check a d compare the batch number on the report to what is on the vial to confirm.
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Yes,you guys are upfront,and im sure your products good,however,like i said to @Dirtnasty,as long as you guys post tests that are outdated,im going to point it out,simple as that.
It means the vials are old John they don’t make it anymore because it wasn’t seeking well. Therefore older test for older product
Freedom of speech brother. You can call us out whenever you want. All we can do is be upfront with our customers. At least we have testing done at all, can’t say the same for a lot of vendors 🤷‍♂️
Yea upfront is good. And all im gonna do is point out facts to our MEMBERS,multiple outdated tests youve posted,you do your thing,ill do mine.
They stopped making this product sometime over a year ago. The reason I used them is it cost like 1/4 of what i would have paid elsewhere. So that testing result would Iine up correctly with when they made it. It’s not outdated testing if it’s the testing that matches the batch of the product. I would have been more concerned if the testing was newer. Then I’d have questions if they just throw up edited testing for product. I appreciate you looking out especially after they did put the old ass hgh testing.