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Training pro tip: avoid non-local fatigue

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Rep Steroidify
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We all know that you should not train the same muscle two days in a row … but few people take into account that you can fatigue one muscle by training another, for example we can train arms and legs, and that leg training will be counterproductive.

:man_scientist:t3: Explanation:

:grey_exclamation:Muscle fatigue does not only occur due to biomechanical and biochemical processes, it also occurs due to neurological 🧠 processes.

:grey_exclamation:The central nervous system is very complex, and the nervous connections between each muscle group is even more complex 🤯, therefore several muscles can be connected to each other.

📝What to do?

:grey_exclamation:Plan the muscle groups :muscle:t2: per session.

:grey_exclamation:If we do a PPL routine, change ↪️ the order of the muscle groups in each session.

:grey_exclamation:Prioritize the weak muscle groups first :ok_hand:t2:.


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