It won’t fit enough weight for and dead lift movement but shrugs I’ll give it go I do love my sm shrigs really get a good contraction but can’t go heavy so can incorporate them on different days
I was never a fan of them, much like sumo DL’s, just didn’t feel right… I see guys using them a lot though, probably a nice little change from a regular bar, kind of like pulling with a 2” fat bar, really fucks with your grip strength
Tried sumos and they seem like it’s no longer a back lift this is just purely for shrugs maybe use this for my heavy shrugs and then use the lighter one armed sm ones on my regular dead’s days
Sumos are for those gifted with short femurs. I’m 5’10” (once 6’) with a 36” inseam, sumos were never for me, however if you have dwarf legs, it’s still more on the hams and hips…
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