SB Labs

Rnmuscle check in


Staff member
Heading to gym now. 50 grams protein shake isolate 2hours ago with PB powder. I welcome any comments
…anything. Going to go over training, goals, supps, all of it. My head could not handle the last few years, starting fifty! And everything else! I take my job way too seriously! After 20 years , It’s sucked my soul out. It’s a job and what I did 15 years ago and more. Worked. I cared but I would do abs every hour for 10 minutes. I had to hang the chicks and look huge until they be and my life partner. Like I said, my goals was to own a gym and fitness cafe even if I slept in a single wide in the back. I became a RN a little later. Then I thought at 40, I need stuff and you guys know the story
I gotta work, gotta eat but also train and laugh. I’ll be posting labs, especially since my Doctor thinks I have PAD. We never truly know, but echocardiogram fine, stress test, good. Blah,blah.i am as healthy as tests show right now. My lower legs lost 4 inches, we shall see. I thought it nerve related but my quads are coming back a bit, right calf is not there. Left calf I can do a couple calf raises. Lots of varicose veins then after work edema ,pain, numbness…ok whatever that journey starts at the Cardiologist in 2weeks. Gotta live , love and laugh. People have seemed to disappear in their phones, apps…etc. at the gym gonna kick some ass.
Made it ! Day 2. Of course I’ve been doing 2 week blocks of getting discouraged for months now. My split:
Chest, delta,calves ,Abs /// cardio 20 minutes, then 10 on “functional” steps ups, farmers walk, push pull sled mostly for my walking. I see cardiologist on the 12th. All labs are really good but I will get the cardiac from this doc. I asked my doc for everything I can think of and he will see what goes through. 🦄 I’ve been lucky on labs through the years, I attribute it to actually always "going off’ shorter cycles.
My diet will be simple. 250 protein,
Carbs: 500, 260, 100, then 100or lower. 4 day cycle. Fat 60, 80, 100,100. I’ll try to keep cheat meals to 2per month. I don’t eat a lot at one meal , so my favorite is unchain burgers and cheese cake factory. I have built an Addiction to peanut butter Kashi and yogurt. It’s like granola but not as hard plus add some of that PB powder…I can live on that.
2500 calories has been good as a high point. I’m trying to get back to gallon of water plus whatever else, lowering the sugar alcohols.
Diet never a problem…I can eat, I can starve but being weak is a problem.
Incline db press-60 x 8…I do mostly 3 working sets and a drop set. Taking it slow though. I never rested a lot between sets, making myself do a minute.
Pec deck - 150 x 8
Hammer decline - 2 plates each side x 6
Cable crossovers- 40 x 15
Pump 3/5 decent.
Cable side laterals- 30x 8
Behind neck press- smith-135x10 hard :roll_eyes:
Machine sides -ss-with db front raise

Seated calves- no weight x 12
Crunches x 25
Hyper x 12

The rest of split is Legs, Arms today
Back, traps, rears tomorrow
Chest, hams, calves
Delts, Arms, Abs
Day off when needed and rehab for the calves hopefully.
I looked at these taken yesterday and got physically ill. I’m gonna post pics on my checkin. Took all my supps then I said honey let me see the calves. I not no one else has made a big deal. I wish I could sue the ER that let me walk out without talking to a doc. I’m not falling much anymore, but…


Even walking with testosterone should of done something…I hear what you wrote. I go Monday and I better have a plan. I have had my head in sand. I’ve never seen PAD like the second pic. Looks like paraplegic lowers.
Our right calves are identical.

My left is barely hanging on.

My calves were not all that big anyway due to genetics and me really not focusing on them ever.

What little muscle I had down there is dwindling faster than my hairline.
First one looks like PAD. I hope you’re wearing compression socks. Nurse yard are the most comfortable I own.

Second looks like something nerve related is going on.

Either way, you definitely need to get to the bottom of this!
Bingo! We’ll see. I have different compression socks, sport type lower and full leg! The second pic is after 2 days off and compression at night. The first it doesn’t matter, but that’s the worst it’s been
I’ve been putting off even looking at them the last 6 months. I almost puked.:anguished:I used to rock the long shorts with huges calves. Wow, and that’s with an avg of 500
test, 300 NPP, 300tpp, 400 DHB or stenbolone, masteron and/or anavar and mesterolone.
I was just reading through meadows and Vince gironda stuff along with old GH 15. Did we finally say it was nasser? I thought I went to doc today but it’s Thursday. I’m gonna do chest/back and Arms later. No work a few days . I always did well with a 4 day split and the following day add A few sets of pump for the previous day bodypart. Until 2025 or my calf implants, LOL. I’m gonna stick with 500 long acting test, 300 prop, 300 TPP, 300 NPp , 600 mast E and I’m gonna mix in 2-400 DHB and stenbolone. All platinum except DHB and stenbolone. I had a lot of the last 2 and other places from other areas and I just think it was too much for getting back into training or whatever but as soon as put in platinum, I felt “better” . You guys know what I mean. I still have beligas and huyech chicken. I don’t know about them. Orders were quick but…well I’ll see. I have the church and Omega. Gotta get some more things from both and I really want to try K4L . I’m a fuckin weirdo or I have omega in a different "box’ waiting for it’s family. Gonna post before pics this week, upper body. I’m 230 with abs but I have loose skin. Like a little everywhere from being bigger. Body dysmorphia.
It’s still more funny than anything. What’s funny is howuvh I’ve overcomplicated my training is in last 10 years. 1bodypart per day,maybe abs. If I didn’t feel I trained a muscle hard enough, do sets another day too. Functional, over 50, this that. Even what to take. I remember and you too! If it’s real or if it works take it, a lot of it. I still do behind neck presses on smith. Hope you are well!
Arms today, light legs, 3 giant sets and farmers walk.
I ss biceps and triceps
Cable 1 arm curl- 30 x 12x2
Cambered pushdowns - 60x12x2
Machine preacher- 45+25 x 7x3
Lying cable ext- 70x10-6 rest pause
Db 90 ° reg and hammer 30 x 12 x 4
1arm db overhead - 15 left, 25 right x 3

Wrist curls seated ,standing 45–90 x 15

Lying leg curls are almost impossible
Seated 60x12
No weight squats x 20
Farmer walk 90 x one way rest then back (20 yards)?
My first test vascular ABI. Perfect. I’m about to say fuck it. I was down a rabbit hole thinking about autoimmune, inflammatory myositis, tons. I have an appointment with a neurologist.