Tren 1st cycle yay or nay


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Hey guys so this is my first cycle I’ve posted about a couple times. I was on test deca and anadrol for 6 weeks I dropped the anadrol 2 weeks ago and implemented tren in so I’m now on week 8. I’m Taking test/deca/tren 600/400/400. Should I drop the deca or just not take the tren at all and save for my next cycle and just up the deca to 600? I’m asking because my brother is acting like me taking tren on my first cycle is a terrible idea so I wanted to come to the pro’s about it. Keep in mind the tren is E so it’s not implemented into my system yet. I took my first pin Friday
And yes usually people are gonna say you should get a few cycles under your belt before you use tren, however I am not gonna say that, but you should go with the acetate version in case issues arise
Deca and tren do two different things to me even though they are In same class I see no reason to run both except for asking for issues You been on deca just roll out use tren next since it’s already in there 6 weeks Everyone says don’t use tren first then they use tren first it just has some nasty sides sometimes no sleep sweaty sleep ect what does your diet look like ? Cut or mass ? Why did you think of changing? Deca not working ? For me deca is mass tren is cut Short ester would be best that way if you don’t like sides you can bail fast if needed
Yes I would drop the deca.
I would also switch the test to short acting test unless you are using Tren Enanthate.
My preference with Tren is to always use the Acetate form with a fast acting Test injected every other day.
That’s just my preference.

Dbal stacks very well With Trenbolone as well.
@Jsween94 Seeing that you are taking Deca currently i would highly suggest not using Tren in conjunction with Deca due to them both being a 19nor catalyst drug compound they are both going to fight for the 1RA receptor. So in short you will waste a lot of the hormone after the bypass of the liver and secrete a lot of hormone through your urine.

Also you would need to wait a good 5 weeks in my professional opinion due to the metabolites of deca in your system to clear out before flipping compounds especially ones that are aggressive. I attached a chart for your reference.

Lastly, i would have ran the protocol as followed to help with transition.
Test ent- 800mg weeks 1-12
Deca- 400mg weeks 1-4
Tren E- 400mg weeks 8-12
Anadrol- 50mg weeks 1-4

Best of luck and always happy to help.
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That’s good information so basically switching to tren now is just asking for issues. So maybe up the deca then to 600? Up test to 800? What will my arimidex dose be at those levels then? Currently .25 ML which is .5mg every other day.
After 8 weeks of Deca Test and Adrol you should have have filled out nicely and put on some quality mass. You have to ask yourself this, what is the goal of your cycle, put size/weight on, recomp, maintenance? Since you say it’s your first cycle I would just finish with the Deca so at least you’ll know how your body reacts to these compounds, add another AAS in and you can get sides and it will be much harder to figure out what compound is causing these sides and why.