Trestolone Acetate does it even aromatase


So ive been looking into trestolone acetate. I figured that it could be a good next cycle. I always start my research on my next cycle so I can find a cycle to put together that will help me reach the goals I missed in the cycle im running I shouldn’t say goals I should say the type of look I was going for.

Trestolone acetate seems to not aromatase at all. It seems that its all progesterone and no estrogen. This compound is supposed to be male birth control so progesterone is the way to do that I guess in men and that’s how gyno is caused by this compound.
Just like the MHN the gyno doesn’t come from estrogen its actually from your progesterone levels jumping through the roof.
You can’t fight the gyno without caber or another compound to keep the progesterone or progestin in range and not take an AI and crash your estrogen trying to fight off gyno.
I might be crazy but I swear I have read alot of posts on multiple forums that all claim its from estrogen.
When looking at trestolone acetate its a nor19 compound that actually is MHN or MENT the only difference is the ester and the injection.
This really got me thinking about how strong trestolone acetate actually is because ive used MHN and 40mg is extreme. That’s different because it is being taken orally and used much faster in and out of the body.

When you add the ester acetate which whoever did made a good choice because he could have used PP or prop. The pp would have been heavy and you would have lost alot of compound from actually being used. Prop would have been good but pinning eod or ed can become a pain in the ass literally.
Acetate gives you the mon wed fri option and you can pin eod for really good results.

Some interesting things I read

Side effects of trestolone include low estrogen levels and associated symptoms such as reduced sexual function and decreased bone mineral density among others.[5][3][6] Trestolone is an AAS, and hence is an agonist of the androgen receptor, the biological target of androgens like testosterone.[3][7] It is also a progestin, or a synthetic progestogen, and hence is an agonist of the progesterone receptor, the biological target of progestogens like progesterone.[3][7] Due to its androgenic and progestogenic activity, trestolone has antigonadotropic effects.[3][7] These effects result in reversible suppression of sperm production and are responsible for the contraceptive effects of trestolone in men.[3] The medication has weak estrogenic activity.[3][7]

Trestolone was first described in 1963.[8] Subsequently, it was not studied again until 1990.[9] Development of trestolone for potential clinical use started by 1993 and continued thereafter.[4][10] No additional development appears to have been conducted since 2013.[3] The medication was developed by the Population Council, a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to reproductive health.[3][11]

Even more

Trestolone can cause sexual dysfunction (e.g., decreased sex drive, reduced erectile function) and decreased bone mineral density due to estrogen deficiency.

As an AAS, trestolone is an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR), similarly to androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).[4][3] Trestolone is not a substrate for 5α-reductase and hence is not potentiated or inactivated in so-called “androgenic” tissues like the skin, hair follicles, and prostate gland.[12] As such, it has a high ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity, similarly to other nandrolone derivatives.[4][3] Trestolone is a substrate for aromatase and hence produces the estrogen 7α-methylestradiol as a metabolite.[7][13] However, trestolone has only weak estrogenic activity and an amount that would appear to be insufficient for replacement purposes, as evidenced by decreased bone mineral density in men treated with it for hypogonadism.[5][3] Trestolone also has potent progestogenic activity.[7][3] Both the androgenic and progestogenic activity of trestolone are thought to be involved in its antigonadotropic activity.[7][3]

Relative affinities (%) of trestolone and related steroids[14][15][16][17][18]
Nandrolone 20 154–155 <0.1 0.5 1.6 1 ?
Trestolone 50–75 100–125 ? <1 ? ? ?
7α-Methylestradiol 1–3 15–25 101 <1 <1 ? ?
Values are percentages (%). Reference ligands (100%) were progesterone for the PR, testosterone for the AR, E2 for the ER, DEXA for the GR, aldosterone for the MR, DHT for SHBG, and cortisol for CBG.
Mechanism of action
Spermatozoa are produced in the testes of males in a process called spermatogenesis. In order to render a man infertile, a hormone-based male contraceptive method must stop spermatogenesis by interrupting the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland. Even in low concentrations, trestolone is a potent inhibitor of the release of the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).[4][3] In order for spermatogenesis to occur in the testes, both FSH and testosterone must be present. By inhibiting release of FSH, trestolone creates an endocrine environment in which conditions for spermatogenesis are not ideal.[4][3] Manufacture of sperm is further impaired by the suppression of LH, which in turn drastically curtails the production of testosterone.[4][3] Sufficient regular doses of trestolone cause severe oligozoospermia or azoospermia, and therefore infertility, in most men.[4][3] Trestolone-induced infertility has been found to be quickly reversible upon discontinuation.[4][3]

When LH release is inhibited, the amount of testosterone made in the testes declines dramatically.[4][3] As a result of trestolone’s gonadotropin-suppressing qualities, levels of serum testosterone fall sharply in men treated with sufficient amounts of the medication.[4][3] Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics. Normally, inadequate testosterone levels cause undesirable effects, such as fatigue, loss of skeletal muscle mass, reduced libido, and weight gain. However, the androgenic and anabolic properties of trestolone largely ameliorate this problem.[4][3] Essentially, trestolone replaces testosterone’s role as the primary male hormone in the body.[4][3]

The pharmacokinetic properties of trestolone, such as poor oral bioavailability and short elimination half-life, make it unsuitable for oral administration or long-term intramuscular injection.[19][20] As such, trestolone must be administered parenterally via a different and more practical route such as subcutaneous implant, transdermal patch, or topical gel.[19] Trestolone acetate, a prodrug of trestolone, can be administered via intramuscular injection.[5]

This was just some interesting information I wanted to share. If anyone has some experience that they would like to share I will take real life experience over written information on the internet anyday.

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I don’t know what exactly it was doing but I know I started getting gyno quick and I was using Caber at .5mg EOD and Aromasin up to 20mg ED.
Ive been reading alot about that it doesn’t aromatase I was really surprised but when I took MHN I had the same issue. Gyno almost instantly having to fight it and the AI wasn’t working then I tried caber and it worked great.
I was just really surprised about reading that it doesn’t aromatase, that it is the injectable version of MHN or ment with a acetate ester.
Im going to give it a try for sure. I believe that it is going to be an amazing injectable. I was think about running it for a couple of weeks through my primo cycle im running now I have a vial but I was thinking I could run it for 2-3 wks at 300mgs a week. The trestolone acetate I would use is 75mg/ml so that would work out well.
I was thinking about using the mhn oral and just inj 75mg 3x a wk that would last me 3 weeks.
I have plenty of caber.
What do you think?
I ended with 50mg EOD and it was still tough. I think if you can keep the gyno in check it’s a great compound. I was seeing visible results in just 2 weeks. I have 2 bottles still but if I was ever to run it again, I would start my caber earlier and let it build to peak levels before starting the Trest
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Thanks brother im a idiot I should atleast spell the title write smh.

I think I might weight and run it after this cycle because it will keep me dry and its powerful but I can control the gyno issues.
Thanks brother
I was already running it and the gyno came on too quick to get a handle on so I dropped it from my cycle to get my gyno in check. I may pick it up at the end of the cycle again or wait until the next one.
So you’re going to run Ment but are afraid of tren ace lol that makes a lot of sense. I’m going to sit back and watch this one for sure (I can see the news now Big Murph kills 30 people with his bare hands because the local McDonald’s give him a single patty instead of a double patty) 😂😂😂😂😂 it would be even better if you lived in Florida because then they could
Say Florida man… lol