Trollus labs back need input

Looks good. Are you using HCG? You should be. Your FSH/LH are extremely low which is normal on cycle but HCG would help for sure. Lots of green leafy vegetables will help with calcium also. As stated donate blood aslo any cardio ? Omega oils? HDL is a little low, not alarming though
Ya that’s definitely a cycle. I might think about dropping it back in a bit. Was thinking about finishing off my last vial of deca. You think that would be an issue?
That’s totally your call. Your labs look fine. But I wouldn’t jump right into a blast after that. Your body will need time to rest. How long have you been taking higher doses of test?
I’ve never heard of deca inflating test numbers, not saying it’s not possible. Just unfamiliar with it.

And your md is okay with test being greater than 3000?
I’ll post the article when I get home later. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if it’s entirely accurate but interesting nonetheless.
The point of trt is to resume natural levels. Continual supraphysiological test numbers isn’t the best idea. I would consider dropping your dosage when finish deca.