Upcoming cycle for fall


Active member
Hi guys. Anxiously waiting to start a fall cycle!! Wanted to post is and get any feedback you guys may have before I get started.

I’m soon to be 41. I’ve been training seriously since my teens. Various injuries, surgeries, and “life things” led to being out of the gym for over 1.5 years. I knew I’d eventually have to get back into the lifestyle as it’s been such a huge aspect of my life. I’ve been hitting the gym and diet hard for the past 4 months. With difficulty, I’ve been patiently holding off on this cycle until I got a decent amount of my strength and body back. Still not at my natural peek, but a lifetime of training makes muscle memory a great asset and things are progressing great.

All that being said, I’m ready to start a cycle within the month. Most everything has arrived. My goals are to keep it pretty simple, pack on some clean weight, get my strength back to where it should be…then rip it up with a couple spring and summer cycles so I look f%*%ing scary by Sturgis time. I’m 5’10" and walking around at 205. BF is 13-14%. If I keep a clean diet, I’d like to put on 20-25 lbs (15 to keep), and keep the BF minimized during cycle. Goal by next August is to walk at 215 and 10% or less.

Here is what I have laid out:

1-4 30mg Dbol/day

1-12 600mg Deca
1-14 800mg Test E
1-16 .25mg Caber 2x/week
1-16 250iu HCG 2x week
1-16 10 mg Aromasin 2x week
16-20 Clomid 100/50/50/25
Nolva 40/20/20/10
Aromasin 10 mg eod

N2Guard throughout. I also read a post by BigMurph where he recommended Cardarine and Ostarine during PCT. Seemed like a good idea, but I’ve never used either. I also don’t know where to get either except in raw form.

Thanks for your suggestions
Love that you have everything planned out. I think you will Make solid progress. I have to ask, what does your diet and training look like? I’m always a huge proponent of those two things being nailed down as a base. what are you thinking you’ll Let your body fat get to while putting on 20-25 lbs?
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Haha…I always start with a plan, but it seems like I always have to be ready for an audible!

Man, 20-25 lbs may be a bit lofty if I keep my diet tight. Though, I’ve never been off this long before, both with cycling and the gym. So, I’m hoping that my body responds better than ever. As for everyone, It has always been easier for me to pack on the muscle and strength in the setting of caloric excess. So, I know that if I’m able to put on 20lbs, more than I want will be water and BF. I’m calling it a temporary sacrifice for a long-term goal. I need that mass and strength to improve my base, and I’m fine with it for this fall. My body has always been very responsive to training and diet, so I won’t have any problem losing the BS post-cycle and keeping solid gains.
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As far as the training goes, it’s going to stay pretty simple as well. I’m a big believer in training revolving primarily around squats, deads, and presses (chest n shoulders) while trying to gain mass. Most of my energy will go into these. I will hit each 2x every 8 days while on. My ancillary exercises always vary and reflect what my body is both telling and showing me…they will kind of fill in the gaps for me. 2 days of cardio 30 minutes in the mornings.

Thinking ahead…if my goals of strength and size are met, I will then add in some more dynamic training and direct some of my energy expenditure to bb type of exercises. From where I’m coming from now, I’ve got to plan way in advance as it’s a step by step process. I hope to be close to where I want to be next year at this time………then of course, I’ll want to be at another point!!! That’s how it goes…chasing…chasing
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Sounds good bro. Should be a good run. You should keep a log here. Would be fun to see your comeback progress.

Maybe I missed it but what will your diet look like? Foods and macros wise.
I see this cycle and I wonder why are you on so many AI? And why did you chose deca at such a high dose? Why not NPP?

Just have to be honest bro you seem like a beginner and not really sure what to do. When choosing a cycle figure out your own goals what you want to achieve. Then I’d get on a diet to match that plan. Then set my workouts around that plan and diet then choose your gear.

You don’t need 5 different AI,all of these do different things and affect different hormones.

Honestly seeing everyone comment on here that this is good really worries me. So I’m going to off this for the entire UGM community- I’m going to offer coaching to the community. I will help with diet workouts and suggest gear protocol. I have a very professional template for your diet all laid out and broke. Down calories for each meal and totals same for protein fats and carbs.

I will charge $150 a month with a six month minimum contract. We will set goals and do this the right way.

I agree with @PHD. This amount and dosage of AIs is crazy. Your hormones will be pushed in so many different directions. Theres so many better ways to run a cycle.
Ncbjj77 said:
so I look f%*%ing scary by Sturgis time.
I dont think youll be as scary as your hoping with this cycle lol.
I also agree with @PHD and @TG that you are using too much AI. I would use arimidex at .5mg eod and def get your diet and training planned out then add drugs to compliment what you are trying to get done. Diet is most important part to get dialed in so that you can make the progress you are striving for. As a beginner you dont need that much gear and dont want to take a lot try to get most from the least bro. Secondly you have to know how to stimulate muscle growth through proper training. Its not all about moving weight from A to B. You want to cause hypertrophy through many different pathways from progressive resistance to time under tension. You can also take a moderate level of resistance and use volume training to get it done. Many ways to skin a cat!! I def lower your test to 500mgs would be a good place to start, 100mgs eod of npp better choice than long ester deca and use just enough AI to keep e2 in range. Did you get blood work done to have a baseline? If not i def would then get it done 4-5 weeks into cycle to see how you are doing. Good luck and welcome to UGM
I’m confused @PHD @MBTJR1980 @TG isn’t half of it his pct?!? The bottom part? His only ai in cycle is the aromasin and then some caber correct? If he truly is on 6 then yes way over board but my assumption was clomid and Nolva were for pct and he was lowering his aroamsin dose for pct too and that was the last listed. Idk why he’s list aromasin twice if all of those were being taken the whole cycle.

I’m not saying the cycle is great but I think maybe the end was written poorly and misunderstood. Idk. I just assumed he liked his deca some people do. Wouldn’t be a cycle I’d run but some people do. Sorry guess I coulda spending more time analyzing the cycle better but I do think he meant some of it to be pct and justbdidnt say it. I’m not an idiot. Forgive me I’ll take more care analyzing in my bedtime comments lol

I still wanna know diet lol
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Thanks Fitraver. I thought weeks 16-20 (two weeks after my last test) would indicate pct, but I guess I should have written it down. And yes, I do like deca. I’ve gotten both good size and strength gains in the past. Im wanting this cycle to get my back to my “baseline”. As I said, I haven’t supplemented in a while and I believe this is a good simple cycle for me. After a few months off I will switch it up for my next two cycles.
PCT crossed my mind at the end of my post lol yeah then the cycle is decent i still would start lower and work up as you go. Overall should put on some decent size as long as diet is put forefront
Ftiraver…similar to my comment earlier, I have a diet “plan” going into this but will change depending on how I respond. I’ve dialed my diet in here in the past couple months with a maintenance caloric intake around 3200. I train hard and have a hectic life and work schedule (12 hour night shifts of constant movement). I’ll be starting out around 4000 and adjust accordingly. I don’t do percentages, but it will most likely be around 35/50/15 prot/carbs/fat. Around 250g protein/400g+ carbs/100g fat. When I was training MMA 6 nights a week and powerlifting 5 days a week I could easily drop 5000 just to stay at weight. So, not having that in my life is another adjustment that I will be feeling out.

With my job and schedule, food is prepared in bulk for a couple days (thank you for a great wife that helps a lot). Just to give an idea of the types of foods I’m throwing down: Just made 5 quarts of dual-stage cold-pressed juices 80% veggies/20% fruits No fibre in these, so no space occupying. A huge Tupperware of Mediterranean chicken cous cous, 3 lbs of grilled teriyaki chicken, 2 lbs lemon zest sauteed salmon, and 2lbs of ground beef browned for me to throw into something spur of the moment. I’ve got unlimited canned green beans, potatoes, and frozen blueberries from my gardens for snacks. I’ll eat some other things too, but this is what we prepared yesterday and this morning before I go start my few nights in a row just to give you an idea.
The diet sounds pretty good man. Those sources of food are solid. Way tastier then how my food gets prepped. Props to your wifey haha. Sounds like you used to be a cardio machine!! I’m glad you will have structure on your diet and able to stick to it. That will be the biggest key in seeing results.