Update: Starting week 4

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Well-known member
As you all know, I’m running my first cycle of 500 test a week split 2x Sunday/Wednesday. A few things I’ve learned is that ventroglute is definitely the easiest place to pin with minimal pip. Shoulders are a bit sore for a while after I pin but I hope it gets better because it’s virgin muscle. Lastly, lats, I can’t explain it but on both sides when I pin Lats I get a sharp pain in the front delt for about 1.5 hours, then it just goes away. Another thing I’ve noticed is the oily skin along with my acne increasing. Any advice for figuring these out is welcome, thank you all!
Future_ifbb_pro14900 said:
when I pin Lats I get a sharp pain in the front delt for about 1.5 hours, then it just goes away.
Weird…very weird
Brother. I’m 60yo and still get oily skin and zits. It doesn’t bother me so much. Winter with no sun is worse.
There’s that other chem people like taking…I can’t recall the name at the moment
I just pin my ass, I got terrible acne and I’ve been using black soap, & differin gel so it’s been calming down but fuck I look like a pepperoni pizza. Even if you control your estrogen you might just be prone to acne. I avoid delts or anything else now since I get terrible pain.
Last resort. There’s a few guys that use it. But I would only use under guidance of an md personally. It’s strong stuff.

I use cetaphil soap and exfoliate with a green cloth my wife has off Amazon. It’s damn near sand paper.

Sunshine helps. In the winter I’ll hop in a tanning bed once a week to try and help some.

It’s part of it. You’re putting your body back at puberty level.
I use witch hazel on my face chest and shoulders. 2 times a day when possible. It’s cheap and it works pretty well for me.
Yeah that’s it. Like @NeuroRN says…I believe accutane is harsh on the body…the liver especially I believe.

I exfoliate almost every shower…especially my back (with a brush).

I live in the south and we have a pool so i get plenty of sunshine. That clears my back immensely. The winter time it comes back a little worse but not too bad. That comes with it’s own set of problems if you’re not careful…the big C(ancer).

My opinion is exactly what @NeuroRN said. A tanning bed/sunshine and scrubbing.
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