Video on "Trenbolone the Monster Steroid - Doctor's Analysis of TREN

Tren is a wild compound, that’s for sure. I likely have just one Tren blast left in me.

My recommendations I like to pass on:
  • I wouldn’t jump on Tren if I was not already cruising/TrT for life. It’s a total pain in the ass to PCT from.
  • P5P should be dosed daily, don’t just plan on using caber (I’ve personally never had to)
  • Nobody besides pros need high doses of Tren.
  • Tren is not predictable like Testosterone when it comes to dosing. For example, one a person does a blast off 500 test, the user should have a good idea what to expect from let’s say 700mg test a week. The difference between 300 and 400 tren a week can be like a totally different drug. As result, I only recommend Tren-A and raising dosage levels slowly if desired.
Always open to any questions or input
With the experience you now have, would you have done anything different your first go at tren? There’s so many opinions.

A lot I see now is 50mg ed for ace. I’ve seen a lot of old school guys talk about starting at 50mg MWF, then bumping to 75mg MWF, then again if sides are tolerable 100mg MWF.

Curious to hear your experience and maybe how you would approach starting out with it now
I think it depends on the goals of the person. For myself. I’m not a competitor, I’m just trying to look fucking great haha.

My favorite cycle w tren,

Cruise: 175mg test / week

Week 1-4:

125mg Test E, E3D (~291mg/week)

Here I’m letting my E2 go up on it’s own as expected. We are going to let the tren knock my E2 down so I don’t need a AI. Of course I will keep an AI on hand as usual.

Week 5-15:

125mg Test E, E3D (~291mg/week)
40mg Tren A, everyday (280mg/week)
50mg P5P, AM and PM w/ food

I have run cycles before of tren up to almost a gram a week but I just found with the sides and long term negative side effects that are amplified with higher doses, combined with my goals, I don’t ever need to go over this here.

I use it more as a recomp type of cycle heading into the summer
Great write up man. Everyone’s experience is so different so I always like hearing how others have experimented and what they would change. The big consensus I see now is people finding the 250-400 range to be the “sweet spot” for them comparing benefits to sides
He is a great guy and I follow his work. He is truly fascinated at the anecdotal data and experience of his patients and viewers. I have to agree that Tren is not your friend and for ages the kidney issues were not very well understood. For the sake of brevity users are just using far too much of this compound. I think results could be seen at 150-200mg/wk and I see guys using 600, 700, and higher dosages/wk. The law of diminishing returns applies here especially with this compound. And I speak from experience- my 1st pellet conv (2002) came out to be about 60mg/ml. Within 5 days I was tossing around weights like nothing but within 3 weeks my hair was shedding. Which never happened before.