Want cycle advice one last time


Well-known member
Gents. I’m looking to run a simple cycle, but i’m confused on the different types of test. I’m looking for some advice on what the best, or most effective one is and why.

Basically I am looking to do the following based off conversations with the community.

Diet will be a mixture of Paleo/Keto/Intermittent Fasting in the 3000 cal range. Difficult but doable. Looking for the look good naked, below 10% body fat, lean and big body. So I’m starting with a bulk phase.

Cycle will consist of: 2 injections a week: Mon/Thurs
Test 200 ml 12 weeks
Tbol 30 - 40 mg a day 6-8 weeks
Proviron 25 mg a day pwo

Nolvadex 4 weeks: 40mg per day first 2 weeks and 20mg the last

Workout will most likely be from corygfitness. Get Stacked program. I’ve done it before and its legit. If anyone wants some samples of it I can send over some. The pump is legit. I will throw in some crossfit for my cardio. Walking helps too.

A few requests. Test has several types and I am looking for the best one to fit my needs. I have been steered towards C or E, but I’m not sure why exactly. I’d love an explanation and the final nudge towards which one to get if anyone wants to help. It’d be greatly appreciated.

Also, though I’m not opposed to adding to the injection, I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible and still meet my goals. If anyone has input as to what I should add, when I should add, etc. Or even change in the cycle, please let me know. I’m looking to get this stuff ordered and get my azz in gear.

Oh, also, where can I get the cheapest, but obviously safest quality pins online?

Thanks for any input gents.
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For simplicity sake, which is what you want here in this cycle, go with test e or c. You can pin them 2x a week so you don’t have to do a ton of pins. Test p you would need to pin minimum eod but Ed is even better. Sust is a little more complicated and not usually used for a first cycle do to the many different esters. You want to just keep this simple. That is best. Don’t overthink it. Stick with e or c. Focus all your effort on your diet and training and don’t over complicate the gear usage.
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Stirms said:
Diet will be a mixture of Paleo/Keto/Intermittent Fasting in the 3000 cal range. Difficult but doable. Looking for the look good naked, below 10% body fat, lean and big body. So I’m starting with a bulk phase.

Cycle will consist of: 2 injections a week: Mon/Thurs
Test 200 ml 12 weeks
Tbol 30 - 40 mg a day 6-8 weeks
Proviron 25 mg a day pwo

Nolvadex 4 weeks: 40mg per day first 2 weeks and 20mg the last
I like all of this but I would atleast go to 300mg or 400mg if using test cyp. I like test cyp because I feel more level on this ester at lower doses. I also get less acne and other sides. I can also adjust back down to my cruise or trt dose after the cycle. I use cyp to cruise and for trt. You will also get more bang for your buck at a low dose using proviron. If you can try 50mg split morn and pwo or night. I like to spread it out I don’t feel that proviron helps pwo to be honest it will help free up your testosterone and give you a dryer look by letting less testosterone aromatase into estrogen.

I would use 500mg if using test enanthate

Test enanthate is what I would use if I go higher at 500mg or more.
I like the enanthate ester to use during a higher mg cycle. I feel that it works better than test cyp at this level.

Everyone is different so how it effects you compared to me comes with your experience.

I think that tbol is a good choice for an oral it will give you great strength gains and good lean mass but of course all of the gains will depend on your diet. I would keep it to 6wks though and less if it effects your ability to eat.

Medlabgear gpz and others are great accessories stores
That 200 would be twice a week. Mon and Thursday. Are you saying to go higher? Or did I just explain it wrong?
Also, most of the cycle is what we talked about weeks ago. I just like that it is so simple to do. Just trying to hammer out the details so I get the best.
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Cool thanks guys. I have some 18g and 23gx1 but am almost out of them. plus they are 4 years old. I think 20g would be better for drawing. Less chance of leaking from the bottle. 25g may be a slowing push, but you should be going slow anyways right?
Heat your vial in an heating pad for 10 minutes, swab vial with alcohol, draw with 20g, replace with 25g, swab inject site, air dry, inject. Easy Peasy. No fuss, no mess. You will be eating tacos with one hand and injecting with the other in no time. 😉

Massage injection site for 1-2 minutes post injection with a roller or palm of your hand.
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Esters determine how long a steroid stays in your system based on the steroid shedding the ester and being released into the blood stream… Like a timed released medicine. C (cypionate) and E (enanthate) are long esters and are so close that their is really no difference. P (propionate) is a shorter ester.

Just get TestC or TestE and pin 2 times per week to equal your total weekly dose. I pin on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening giving me 3.5 days between injections.
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