Want cycle advice one last time

@Stirms for future reference concern steroid half life and esters.
Steroid & Ancillaries Half Life Chart Home Brew
I did not find this in the forum and I apologize if has been posted before and I simply missed it in my search. Oral steroids: Drug Active half-life Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours Methyltestosterone 4 days Winstrol (stanozolol) 9 hours Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) 9.5 hours Turinabol (Tbol) 16 hours Injectable steroids: Drug Active half-life Deca-durabolin …
thanks. plenty of good info there. TBol is a good one. Test C too. Just found another confusing thing. I see some lists that have Test C 200 for a 10ml vial… the 200 is the strength I assume? Some are at 300. It’s all confusing. If I inject the same amount, one is stronger than the other, so should I really be doing that? I don’t know man, it’s starting to just piss me off at this point. Getting tired.
Lol dude. I already told you keep it simple. Stop trying to overthink stuff. 200mg/ml is 200mg/ml. 300mg/ml is 300mg/ml. One is 100mg/ml stronger than the other.

If you want 200mg for the whole week you would do .5ml 2x a week of the 200mg/ml. If you wanted that same 200mg for a week from the 300mg/ml then you would do .33333ml 2x a week.

It’s really simple. You’re just overthinking stuff. Get either test c or test e at whichever Mg/ml and PIN IT!
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My bad for the confusion I was trying to multi task and it’s not my strongest ability lol

Test e or c proviron and tbol great choices

If you have any questions im actually not running in circles anymore lol
Haha it really is that easy. That’s why I always loved
Math. It’s black and white. Numbers mean what they say 🙂

That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dosed to what the numbers say tho but that’s where trust of your sponsor comes into play.

If you ever have any questions I’m more than willing to help. Just shoot me a pm. I was glad to hear you will have your diet and training down. That really is what will Make or break your cycle.
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Fitraver said:
Numbers mean what they say
Why is the decimal equivalent of binary 111 7 and 1010 10? That doesn’t seem to be meaning what it says. Hell, 1000000 is only 64. 🤯

So basically @Stirms if you wanted to inject 200mg per week in binary you actually need to inject 11001000… couldn’t help myself.

@Bigmurph can you come help me muck this up even worse? 😁

All joking aside @Stirms reach out at any time to any member and you will find they are more than willing to help. We look forward to hearing more about you and your cycle. Everyone of us started at the beginning and we know all to well how overwhelming it can be made to appear. Even when we disagree or are wrong it is with the intentions of helping.
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Talk about confusing a fucker wow. If you ask a question on a board you’re going to get 1000 different responses and experts.

First off you’re not going to be 10% bf sorry to burst that bubble especially on that cycle. 10% is pretty lean. Like @Fitraver said don’t over think things. If you’re new it can be very confusing. Find a website that explains each compound there’s lots out there. What you came up with sounds good for a basic cycle. Just be confident in yourself. Lots of good advice was given here. Only thing I’d change is your nolvadex way too high and no reason to really run it at all with the dose you listed.
So maybe 20 mg the whole 4 weeks? I’ve seen people suggest clomid on top of that. Also, the 10% bf is my overall goal. Spring cutting to that
Your pct is fine brother
Im not positive but I believe that phd thought you were using it as a gyno protection throughout your cycle.
I might be wrong but I definitely suggest running it just like you had written.

I would use clomiphene only if blood work shows that your natural testosterone levels don’t come back from the nolvadex.
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