Water Reduction Tricks?

If this is only in one leg it’s. It diet or gear unless like I said you took a bad shot in your quad. If it was diet related it would be all over not just one body part.

Did you do a shot in your quad?
I’m impressed that you are all on line at this time on a Saturday! I appreciate the attempts to help and I will consult with a Doctor/ client that i see weekly tomorrow.

Have a great Saturday night! (😄
True. Maybe it was arimidex I’m thinking of. One of the popular ai’s had edema as a possible side effect. But I mean even a sodium imbalance can cause edema in the legs. Definitely see a doctor.
So there is a lot of could bes none of which related to AAS or anything like that. Pain on palpation or is it pitting which is pushing on a part and it stays indented. But above all it looks like lymphedema. But this doesn’t usually effect both legs, arms whatever usually one. Next is overload on right ventricle, cellulitis…go to doc even if it corrects.
With that one pic and the mention of Kidney “stones”, Stress, Both legs were the same type of edema and one resolved, No pain. This could be Congestive Heart failure, treatable but serious over the long haul. It just scares me(and I was the same, still am) that someone gets this and trys to take more drugs that dont really pertain to the issue. I am not putting anyone down because In the Health care field we are the worst offenders. Without looking at the bigger picture you won’t know what is going on. I suggest the ED not a friend ,even if they are a doc.
Update: Dr isn’t worried, but you haven’t seen my whole body. Left leg is ahead of rest of entire body in shedding water. I am taking some precautions, as advised, and we will see where I am in a week.

Adding Tren to the mix caused this. I believe that the Tren caused a reaction with the Testosterone, where it couldn’t bind, so it aromotized. Hoping to see more water off by end of week.

I am trying a technique that seems to be helping- Vodka. Not a drinker… but had some vodka last night and dropped a bunch of water weight… under 200lbs for first time in a bit. Trying again tonight, but not a drinker AT ALL, so no mas!
Now that I have vodka in my system again… Don’t even try… I have a bad attitude! Good thing I’m not where I can rumble! This is when don’t drink regularly! 😝
I don’t understand your post😕 Your left leg is the one not “holding water” but the right leg and rest of body is? Doctor knows everything and is not concerned? The last part, really concerns me. A test/tren rxn and ETOH. It is a moderate diuretic. I’m not bashing your remedy, maybe it’s not clear to me. I thought you started different aromatase inhibitors and prolactin antagonist drugs. “Water finds its level” so the body will correct, i just hope you know what to change for next time. I am sure somebody will be more direct with a response. I believe you might have made a wrong turn somewhere.
@rnmuscle thanks for,the feedback. In looking at my cycle, things took a turn for the worse for me water retention wise once I introduced Tren into,the mix. I was way surprised because I expected the opposite.

In evaluating everything, my guess is,the Tren didn’t cause the water retention, but it changed the way the Test was working, which is why I ended up cutting the test in half. I mentioned all elements including Anti Es just to make sure there wasn’t another element I was missing.

In these two days, I have dropped 10lbs and my legs look closer to,the same. I’ve got a little more to go, but I can see stomach cuts again too!
To everyone on this site…@375Benched was my best friend for 20 years. Sadly, he passed away 12 days after this post. I just searched “@375 benched” to look at his Twitter handle and came across this thread. I have no doubt that this is what killed him. Please, if you take anything like this, USE CAUTION and don’t ignore any potentially dangerous symptoms.
Welcome so what was cause of death. Honestly his legs kind of looked like mine when I had a bad case of cellulitis