SB Labs

Went a lil crazy on these 🤘🏻 660lbs x 3

OMG!! so…my buddy’s Mecedes has been parked cus the suspension busted and the front is all tbe way to the ground…could u like come lift it for us so we can stack it up so tow can get underneath?? 🤣🤣

wicked impressive i had a buddy that did 5 4 plates and i though he was amazing!! but you just blew it out tha box! way to go man! 👍👍👍👍👍 👏👏👏👏
In 3 weeks ive climbed up from 635 to 700 then last few days all progress came to screaching halt when i got one of the worst stomach bugs or flu ever. I cannot hold anything down i either puke it up or faucet out my ass. I shit at leadt 45 times yesterday alone. I feel so weak and can literally see my muscle disappearing 😭
Thank you brotha Pastor i know i can always rely on you for best wishes and prayers! It means a lot to me i honestly am on the point of checking myself into the ER!!! Ive never had the runs like this before. I feel like im dying 🤢