SB Labs

What are you lifting today and eating and doing

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@Kad1, I struggle to even open up to my wife, let alone a complete stranger. My social skills would have been non existent if not for sports, drugs and alcohol, and other than training I don’t really partake in any of the three any more. I don’t know if I could open up to a complete stranger.
Me to @JB_rD81 I manage to I manage to isolate myself,despite being around my wife a lot, I can sit there after dinner, we put on Netflix before bed, and not say a word the whole time
@John , I wish I knew what was wrong with me! I know exactly where you’re coming from about not talking all night, I’m the same… after the typical how was your day stuff, I’m silent. I don’t talk to my wife, the girls, no one. I talk more to my grandson than anyone else.
Ha ha, ok I I gotcha,I’ve heard of them, I actually have A bunch of MREs, my kid acts like its Christmas, when I let her open one occasionally
I just never engage… I’m silent to almost everyone, I rarely even make eye contact with someone unless I’m about to blow my top…. I don’t know if I just dislike everyone from the very beginning, or I’m just so fucking awkward that it feels like dislike…
When I’m first in new places I’ll do that I’ve had people tell me they didn’t think i talked cause I would just show up do my thing and leave. Then once they get me to talk it’s cause they realize
I say everything. Like if you meet me within 10 minutes you’ll know
My love for drugs auaha
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