What do you guys think?

Hell I would never give my girl any shrooms again after her first trip. She wanted me to take her to hosipital cuase she couldn’t breath, although she was talking easily and her dogs show scared her. Then she was upset for laughing at her even though I explained the laughing was from the shrooms in kind of couldn’t help it
They helped me get off pills and really do work for some . Come on @John you say fuck mushy but they actually do save lives. I get they might not be for you but I bet you drink alcohol right fuck alcohol that shit doesn’t save one thing but hey to each is own lol
@John you should look into an MDMA trial. It will probably be the first psychedelic to be approved for clinical use specifically for PTSD. there’s a great documentary on it. “How to change your mind” episode 3 is on MDMA.
I watched that the other day. It’s funny seeing all these people praise it. I guess when it’s medical it’s probably cleaner and they don’t let you constantly redose to drain all your good feels. They probably also do a PRT to help get everything back to normal quickly
I would imagine they have to. Probably give Xanax or something for the next morning.
I got rid on my Prozac otherwise when I was using I would do that for a week to try and help
Well I go really heavy when I use the compulsive redose and I dose in the 300-500 range. I go big on everything
Also you just said that you don’t kix with them anymore not that they aren’t good for others
I want to be an advocate for use in psycho-therapeutic setting but it’s such a sticky wicket. The doctor training that would be involved for repeatable successful treatments in extremely control settings needs to be developed. I have so little faith in the ability of doctors in this field that it’s hard to think they would be able to successfully deploy a program…visa a vie too much human error. Or it will be so difficult to see a qualified doctor that people will self medicate and that usually doesn’t end well either with the type of patients this would help.

The doctor in the article below reports that patients in his trial use the term “spiritual” repeatedly. That in itself is a very interesting topic for a future convo.

Like Poppy…I want to keep my head clear at all times…I need to consistently be aware of my surroundings 24/7 365.

Haven’t drank in 20 years nor have I done any drugs.

With that said…I have recently tried Phenibut…very interesting compound.
I will never lie honestly love intoxicants. Some love me back some used me by using them but for the most part I wouldn’t change much. I would have just stayed off coke my first go round of quiting
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
The doctor training that would be involved for repeatable successful treatments in extremely control settings needs to be developed
The protocols we have now aren’t working. At all. I personally don’t think there’s needs to be an extreme control. The burden of psych is literally every patient is drastically different. The system we have no treats them all the same. Take this pill, every day. When you stop everything will get horribly worse.

Vs lasting change off several doses? I don’t care about the control at this point. I care about the change. Clearly these drugs provide that. Not to mention the war on drugs is complete bull shit anyway and none of this should have been scheduled in the first place.
Neuro said:
The protocols we have now aren’t working.
Distinct difference between the fields of clinical psychology vs guided psychiatry.
Neuro said:
The system we have no treats them all the same. Take this pill, every day.
Our well marketed and highly profitable “Pill Nation” is yet another convo for another day.
Neuro said:
I don’t care about the control at this point. I care about the change.
I would remind you that the same methodology we both preach here needs to be applied to the way of the change you seek. And while these drugs Can change some people’s situations. The means and methods need to be studied in much greater detail.

I have yet to see a Cart pulling a horse…well maybe an EV cart would, it just would crash into shit too often if it ran Tesla’s software tho. 🙂
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Distinct difference between the fields of clinical psychology vs guided psychiatry.
Maybe I’m being naive, but aren’t both failing us?

I’m still an advocate for its use. Advocating for its use doesn’t mean I know how to make it work for the large population.

What you’re saying about the Methodology we preach here is an excellent point, AND I will free admit I probably have a blind spot about psychedelic use and my normal logical rational approach. I know the incredible life change they brought me, without the official protocol etc. so I’m definitely over the top supportive.

What you are saying is more correct than my feelings that everyone should do mushrooms, if you have a hard trip then that’s what you needed to work through, and if you’re scared of losing control of your mind that’s exactly why you need them.

I know I knowwwwww very hippy of me. I have been in Colorado for a year so. Watch out. My mustache is coming in thick, and my coexist bumper sticker should be coming in the mail any day now 😂😂 I hear you get it. At your year mark.
…Thus spoke “The Dark Neuro”.

For me, I believe a Spiritual guide is what is needed practically. But that isn’t possible for many. There needs to a recognition to this path of self-enlightenment (or awareness thereof) that most don’t have unfortunately. That is why we need control and science…for the masses. These beliefs firmly rooted by my Neuropsychology and Philosophy college major/minor. (uhg, what a waste of money that ended up being)