What gauge is everyone using?

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I’ve been from 23g then to 25g and I’ve been staying with 25g but wanna see if anyone is using anything different. Don’t have that much scar tissue so injecting isn’t that bad and I’m pretty hood about rotating spots. Anything better than 25g?
@Nacville - 28 g insulin needle / micro dose daily for TRT protocol / or Tren pinning !! 😎 . But for my cycles I use BD 25 g - 1” 2ml combo cocktail TestE / Deca and Mast E right now twice a week.
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I got 23g for first go with test should I have gotten 25g. Also got 18 for drawing
Only problem with 18 for drawing is that you will make big holes in the vial and could lead to compound leaking out when you flip upside down for drawing out…
Thank you prob should have asked the board before buying the needles
18g draw needle.
25g or 27g is what I use for my TRT test Cyp
I did warm up the oil with hot water before using the 27g and it went fine. A little longer than the 25 but all good. All are 1” long.
I use a 25x1 for delts and quads and a 20x1.5 for the glutes…I didnt feel like buying extra pins so I use the same ones I draw with (draw and jab seperately)
25ga 1 inch, if the oil is thicker yes a lower gauge will get it in quicker, but I wouldn’t advise pushing it in fast just cause you can, slower is better.
I use 23g 1.5 in for stacks of 3ml or more. 25g 1 in for 2 ml or less. Slin pin for HCG and micro dose 27g 5/8 in
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