What is Test Base? How is it taken?


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Whats is test base? Test TNE 25mg - (test base 25mg/ml) How is it taken? For what purpose?

Also, what is Trest Ace MENT 50mg - (trestolone acetate) How is it taken? For what purpose?
Sometimes when you ask questions im worried about answering them because it seems like you don’t do any research.
Its not bad to ask questions but these questions can easily be answered just by searching the compound name on our site not even another search engine.

Test base is testosterone without an ester in water
TNE is testosterone no ester but in oil

Usually used for pwo and used a couple of times a week or daily.

Ment or trestolone acetate is an extremely Anabolic compound that is known for putting on mass very quickly but it comes with side effects. Estrogen is extremely hard to control on this compound.
This compound is also being studied in the EU to use as androgen replacement therapy. It is said that you can use ment without testosterone or with little testosterone and not get shutdown. So hopefully in the future ment will be the new trt.
Sorry brother, I did a little research but was looking for real word feed back. Like actual usage and gains. Won’t ask the obvious questions any more.
No please ask the questions but just look at how you word them im here to help but if you want to know what cycle a compound like ment would fit into that would be a legitimate question
Cathead said:
Also, what is Trest Ace MENT 50mg - (trestolone acetate) How is it taken? For what purpose?
That sounds more like you want the break down on the compound at the molecular level and dosage , half life and such.

Im always here to help brother ask any questions that you want but so that I can help you out with a better answer give me a little bit more detail in the question and I will write you an essay about it I just need to know exactly what you are looking to find out.

Im always here to help brother no matter what I just want to be able to understand exactly what help you are looking for brother.
TNE has no ester attached therefore it’s available immediately but also outta your system in bout 4hrs. TNE can make for a great pre workout or if your in prep and need to keep bloat at a minimum
So I finally received the test base I ordered in early December yesterday and injected 100mg. A couple of observations. Mine is water based, so it has to be shaken vigorously, and even then, with a 27g needle, it periodically clogged during the injection. 25g needles on order. Also, I expected it to hit rather quickly, viz., within a couple of hours. Nada. Was at least five before it kicked in, which unfortunately was after my workout. I definitely felt it when it did. I’ll try it again today, but at least four hours before the workout.
I mistakenly believed it would be easier to inject! And it was available when I ordered. I also had heard that the oil-based stuff tends to separate and has to be heated to recombine.