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What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

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Staff member
Military Vet
I used to have a variation of this statement framed above my desk at work prior to retirement.

This absolutely applies to everything we chat about on this site as well as everyday life.

The Dunning-Kruger effect effect occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. By contrast, this effect also causes those who excel in a given area to think the task is simple for everyone, and underestimate their relative abilities as well.

Google it for more in-depth analysis of the subject.
Oh man, I live this every day! Lawyers in particular are susceptible, both ways. The really good lawyers always underestimate their abilities, especially as they grow older. I always say: Aging is the humbling process of realizing how little you know and acquiring the maturity to accept it.
In my world we work on/engineer the flying equivalent of your race cars…machines that are often taken beyond the parameters of their original design.

I run into many “experts” that I wouldn’t let touch my lawnmower.
Definitely run into this in the motorsports world as well. Engineers that don’t know shit, but think their degree means they do. Non-engineers who know an entire area cold, but are insecure about expressing their opinions because they lack a degree.
I see guys like that all the time in the trades. I usually am the one who ends up doing the rework. I hate rework. Especially if it’s my own. Which does happen from time to time.
I used to not get how people couldn’t do math cuae it was so simple to me
It’s painful how applicable this is to everything. Every career. AAS. The fans in the stands yelling at coaches and refs and players.
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