No way! Much respect for you and your knowledge base. Im a better speaker, than writer(ADD) . I can have 25 things going at once. I developed a system at work that keeps me ontrack, thank God. I really have respect for anyone as long as they have any citations for backup…it doesnt have to be professional journal either, just dont say
…do as i say because i said so!
I have done so many things in my “lifting career” but now hindsight is 20/20, but i wouldnt of done much different xcept for some dosages and eating or rather stuffing food in. Slow and steady. But, we thought #1 we were all going pro. And if we didnt by 27 ,we were done. The only regret in that universe was not staying a powerlifter just be a leaner one. Bodybuilding had such a subculture for a few years there! There i go…off track…