SB Labs

Bystolic (nebivolol) and cardiac health

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I don’t remember his name just something I came across while searching for information a while back. A guy on you tube who’s very knowledgeable also recommended it. Channel is Leo and longevity I believe.
Do not follow his opinions. He reads a few studies or abstracts and comes up with stuff like tenormin(attenolol) with adderall for the focus without increase in heart rate. It does not work like that, or for very long. The cascade of enzymes, hormones, pro- drugs, initiator, inhibitors,etc. Very complicated most of the time. @NeuroRN and others dug deep and stated a very precise theory for those that get or need the protective properties or telmisartan or a very predictive beta-blocker. Some of you remember how no one went near Nolvadex because of lower IGF-1, so they would let the gyno go on. A lot of guys were taking L-dopa or bromocriptine for the GH release! Theories were ok, but not really relevant.
A lot of things sound good and believe me ive tried them too, you end up with a giant stack of pharmaceuticals, each dealing with an effect of the other!
I never could stand the guy he gets on YouTube and sits I front of wall if books to make himself look smart
I’ve had zero sides from the meds probably because it’s such a low dose but I will heed the advice and look into the others mentioned. I appreciate the response, thank you
rnmuscle said:
Do not follow his opinions. He reads a few studies or abstracts and comes up with stuff like tenormin(attenolol) with adderall for the focus without increase in heart rate.
Dude for a second I thought you were saying this about me 😂😂 I was like whoa. When the fuck did I advocate for that concoction?! Was I drunk?!
No way! Much respect for you and your knowledge base. Im a better speaker, than writer(ADD) . I can have 25 things going at once. I developed a system at work that keeps me ontrack, thank God. I really have respect for anyone as long as they have any citations for backup…it doesnt have to be professional journal either, just dont say
…do as i say because i said so!
I have done so many things in my “lifting career” but now hindsight is 20/20, but i wouldnt of done much different xcept for some dosages and eating or rather stuffing food in. Slow and steady. But, we thought #1 we were all going pro. And if we didnt by 27 ,we were done. The only regret in that universe was not staying a powerlifter just be a leaner one. Bodybuilding had such a subculture for a few years there! There i go…off track…

Id like to do a study…15 years of NOC and i get really bad now. I follow the schedule all week. Days off i sleep at like 4am.
Ive been doing just 3 shifts, instead of 4. I might only do 4 if theres a nonus or something. But i like 2 on and then 1. Like Friday, Saturday, then Tuesday. I dont have to see the faces Monday morning too! The only day i really dont train (if i was at full go) would be Sunday. Im done!
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