SB Labs

What is your "WHY"?

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Great responses here, for me its the big 3…

*** Longevity Of Life

*** Ability to Better Defend Oneself With Added Strength, Endurance and Stamina From Training

*** Look Good Naked And Adequately Perform For The Wife

All this getting on the bodybuilding stage and doing powerlifting shows, that’s just icing on the cake. For me the Big 3 are what matters, but I’m also a weirdo with no friends whose seen as an oddball. lol!!!

You guys stay blessed and have a wonderful turkey day. I’m thankful to be alive this holiday season.


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I originally got started training to be a better athlete in HS. That morphed into become a competitive BB in my late teens and twenties. Continuing to train even when not competing to be the strongest in my weight class for MMA.
Continuing to train my entire adult life with some embassies on longevity but mostly to look better naked and be bigger and stronger then the other guy.
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