What to do about a sweet tooth?

Great bar brother!!
@josh be strong minded bro and dont give in. Chew some sugar free gum if need be but will power goes a long way of showing who you are inside in all aspects of life :facepunch:t2:
MBTJR1980 said:
will power goes a long way of showing who you are inside in all aspects of life
Agree with you 💯
I fight many demons on a daily basis, and it always boils down to will power. The struggle is real bro!
I think it’s ok to treat yourself here and there. Most people are not fucking up their diet from eating some sweets, but from the meals themselves. If your meals are on point, ain’t going to kill you to eat something sweet in the long run. There’s no reason to torture yourself unless you’re competing trying to get to like 3% bf.

Sugar isn’t the enemy if you use it right as well. Process sugar is not great but natural sugar isn’t bad if you time it right.
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Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed by the blood to the organs that need it. Glutamine might help gut function, the immune system, and other essential processes in the body, especially in times of stress. It is also important for providing “fuel” (nitrogen and carbon) to many different cells in the body. Glutamine is needed to make other chemicals in the body such as other amino acids and glucose (sugar).

After surgery or traumatic injury, nitrogen is necessary to repair the wounds and keep the vital organs functioning. About one third of this nitrogen comes from glutamine.

If the body uses more glutamine than the muscles can make (i.e., during times of stress), muscle wasting can occur. This can occur in people with HIV/AIDS. Taking glutamine supplements might keep the glutamine stores up.

Some types of chemotherapy can reduce the levels of glutamine in the body. Glutamine treatment is thought to help prevent chemotherapy-related damage by maintaining the life of the affected tissues.

Reference: WebMD

Just sharing because semperfi had explained in multiple threads that this can help, so I thought it would be a good read!

so question for you @SemperFi would it be beneficial to take the l-glutamine as a powder in the morning before work? Or just get some capsules and take at lunch time when this “sweet tooth” issue is occuring?
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For sugar cravings specifically I would recommend 500mg 3X day. You can take it in any form you desire. Snort it for all I care … as a matter of fact go with the gel cap suppository for better absorption. 🤣

If you drink alcohol on a regular basis you might find you will need to take more glutamine throughout the day. Sugar addiction is related to both diet and alcohol use. They both play on the same dopamine receptors.
Not drinking alcohol at all. I had a problem with it in the past. So that might be where the sugar craving comes from, my diet is a work in progress trying to learn as much as I can from you guys. But again this sugar craving only comes when im at work about lunch time till the end of shift. Then it’s gone
But the suppository idea sounds like it might work better
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