Dont risk getting in trouble if you feel it is an issue. stay on cycle you (probably want a beach body for vacation) Till you leave. I would add test cyp into your cycle about 4 weeks prior to going 200 mg per week pin right before with short eaters and roll out. Or maybe frontload 2-3 cc before you leave if you are concerned. are you TRT or PCT I wouldnt pct during vacation also is it a blend? I don’t fly a lot but have never had them dig in my stuff either. I always just load up my syringes with what I need a put them in luggage but I tend to not give a fuqk either. If they want me that bad they were gonna get me any way so I’m not saying these are great ideas just ideas
Yea I’d just hit a couple pins of C the week prior then you should be good for the 6 days. Not worth trying to bring on carry on or check in my opinion unless u have a script
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