What would you guys like to see?

Yes we’ve gotten a lot of complaints about the Beligas brand. We’re currently in talks with the manufacturer. In the mean time we’re adding other brands such as Hutech, Saxon, and Odin which have had much better feedback.

Regarding price, we understand it is priced at a premium but we will have more deals as requested by members here.

Thanks again for the feedback. It really means a lot hearing directly from the community.
Love hearing it brother. Am personally finishing a giant cycle within next seven weeks. Then gotta give the system a rest for a long few months. But will definitely be in market for a good cycle come spring. Mean while will need some essentials like proviron and Cialis and test to cruise etc. Will hit you up in couple months. But love to see how you treat my brothers meanwhile.
Definitely understand your concern. They’ve been our longest supplier but it seems that quality hasn’t been great lately. We will definitely promote our other brands Saxon and Hutech more.