What's everyone doing this weekend

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We get the grandson Saturday and Sunday, so I’ll spend a lot of time playing with him even though it’s going to be hot enough to fry a fucking egg on the side walk. Other than that train also and meal prep for the week
Its going to be a fun weekend with the kid. Your going to love it I know he likes dinosaurs maybe I can find an ebook for kids with dinosaurs.

Enjoy your weekend though brother
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Fri night Hockey Game
Work and Gym Saturday- Music Bob Weir (Dead) and the WolfBrothers at the Greek Theatre Sat Night.
Sunday BlueFin Tuna fishing in Halfmoon Bay - Gym .
Thats right BlueFin Tuna in Norcal 30-65 inchers
Hoping this year the returning class of tuna are in the 70"+ range.
Me neither until a friend asked me how I fish for them on Cape Cod. I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw them working with my own two eyes.
My biggest tuna last year back east was 109 inches 400 pounds dressed.
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