What's everyones favorite Youtube channel for quality info?

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I really like More Plates More Dates for learning about AAS…all of his videos tackle questions/knowledge in new ways, along with giving scenario specific knowledge. I’m not really a fan of Leo and longevity…and haven’t spent too much time with the anabolic doc…Where’s everyone else at on these channels?
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I do mpmd he really gets into the research. I also do vigorous Steve he’s funny as hell. Anabolic doc is good too although not as in depth as mpmd.
Coach Greg used to the be more informational but I still find his content entertaining and I love when people are up from t with pushing there ahit. And honest about it does
Love the mountain dog as well if I see him doing lift ive doing it makes he feel like I making jt know what I’m doing lifting weights.
Yeah coach Greg is hilarious. Some people really like hating on him though…I don’t agree with everything he says, but he’s got a lot of good advice, especially on training. I’m back and forth with John Meadows…seems like a chill dude though.

I swear whe. Ever I’m back in Columbus for a game I’m going to hit him up for workout haha maybe phd could hook a brother up
I enjoy John Meadows. John is coaching my coach. So I am hoping my coach uses some of his teachings in my training.
Leo and Longevity has some good information, MPMDs, I’ve been following power lifter Pete Rubish and his recent journey with coming off anabolics for fire time in 10 years.

Of course Foud Abiad and the RBB podcast.

Nick Strength and Power
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