Whats the pros thoughts on this cruise?

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Ok read alot in regards to the cruise whats everyone’s thoughts of test e at 150 mg to maybe 200mg and adding 25 mg proviron split twice a day with 250 ius of hcg ?? Will get labs asap
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Anywhere from 100-200 is pretty common for most cruise doses. I cruise on 160 as I don’t need a ai at that dose. 200 starts to put me out of range e2 wise where I’d have to take ai. I don’t have experience with proviron but I heard it’s a great addition to a cruise. I think your looking good, would just recommend bloodwork to make sure you’re good on all ends and I’d suggest picking a dose where ai is not needed
Well I was on a 750 mg test blast for 12 weeks and felt like total shit cut back to about 325 a week then plugged in proviron at 50 mg split and 500iu twice a week of hcg and feel amazing strong asf great sex drive been 12 weeks on that so was looking at lower cruise levels I really like the proviron it superchargers your test with aromitizing as well
200 is fine for cruise. I’d leave out the Proviron. How many days per week on the hcg?
Yessir…absolutely… I believe @Kad1 is really a warrior from ancient times well over a thousand years old. He travels thru time kicking azz and taking names. He says he’s forty something to keep up appearances. His injuries that cause him a little downtime would kill a mere mortal.

He is here to reset the bar beings our time males in general are a bunch of wussy’s. He’s converting one soul at a time. Like minds all end up here at UGM.
Please use the correct category I changed it this time.

What are your goals to gain from this cruise?

Is there a reason for no pct?

I believe that if you want to cruise no doubt and I would probably start at 200mg a week unless you really want to do TRT?

Let me know I want to help @maxxy10

This is my experience with cruising just to share
Blast and Cruise sounds great right? Steroid Cycles and Discussion
So I got injured I ruptured my bicep and I was way over weight. Not working out at all. I went from being a top notch athlete then 15yrs later to being a top notch fat ass so I decided to stop. I stepped on a scale and it said 260lbs plus I had never been that heavy and I had never felt so bad. I decided that once I lost the weight to get back on AAS as I used when I was an athlete. I dropped the weight and worked out for a year before I started believing I was doing everything right. I hadn’t …
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I’m going on 42 been running test along time got the hcg and got the ball size back but being my age I’m gonna try to cruise and get labs on that in about a month
No doubt so its not really a cruise your doing self TRT.
that’s fine its a personal choice I will always reccomend a doctor for TRT if doing it on your own test your gear and get blood work done.
You should be alright I just believe going through the doc is best because you get all pharma grade and any issues can be solved quickly.
maxxy10 said:
200mg and adding 25 mg proviron split twice a day with 250 ius of hcg
200mg test cyp
Proviron 50mg split 2x a day
250iu 2x a week

I believe that is a good place to start once you get your blood work you can then see total test and e2 then adjust as needed.
I don’t know if I would continue the hcg unless it works well for you for me it raises my e2 so I don’t like to use for extended periods.

Good luck and good gains brother please keep us updated on how things are going
I’m stocked on test e from all the good sales cyp and e are basically the same correct? And that’s the dose of proviron I’ve been using and love it so stay on that think I finally found my sweet spot
There not the same but yes 200mg of enanthate is were I would start also so you have 250mg/ml 3/4 of a mg dose is about 195mg really and after ester weight I believe that drops to around 160-180mg bioavailability.
This is ok though cyp is also like this but that’s why you might have to adjust your dosage higher or lower to get yourself in range and comfortable once you do blood work and see your total testosterone.
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