What’s the worst you have been


Well-known member
Scammed with either bunk gear or simply never received goods. Without using names of course or sources … hopefully this will be motivation for new members to utilize the great sponsors we have here.

I have been fortunate over the years to only get burned once. Paid a guy in advance, was selling sustanon 1ml 250 vials in the 90s for $7.00 each. Got burned for $300 … dude disappeared from the area and burned like 15 guys. Not a ton of money, but seemed like a fortune at 19 yrs old!
Many years back this one guy had the Pakistani Organon Sust amps. This might have been before there were forums or anything of that sort. If I remember correctly he was advertising in the back pages of MD. Anyways first couple orders went great with good results. So I decided to get a bunch of buddies to all chip in so we could get close to whole sale prices. Well $3500 was donated to the src and we never seen an amp or heard from this fellow again. You live you learn. Some people really don’t know how fortunate we are to have a place like UGM to call home. This is the ONLY forum that protects us the consumer and not get bought out by the src. Thanks to all the mods and staff for doing an outstanding job.
I would venture to imagine that at least 50% of the gear I used from 1999-2005 was junk. Whether it was Brovel Labs anything, organon sus or jelfa omnadren, reforvit B, fort dodge labs from here in Iowa when you could still get your hands on it… I’d hate to fathom how much garbage I put in my body from the age of 19-25. As far as not getting what I ordered, I remember once buying some Sus 250 from a guy I worked with, 2 weeks later rather than 3 10 ml bottles I got 10 Organon Redijects (pre loaded glass syringes with non replaceable 18 gauge 2” needles) they looked like Harpoons, and there was a promise of 20 more in the coming weeks to make up for my 30 ML’s I ordered… needless to say, after 10 shots, I didn’t care that the other 20 never showed.
I have lost more than $1000 from back in the cash in the mail days. Heartbreaking when you are in the position… waiting forever… losing hope… then spitting fire mad!! Worse when it’s a lot of money for you at the time.

We are so crazy spoiled with stand up sponsors and board Admins that will go to war for us!!
not me but my ex bought from a wildly popular uncle who sent him straight up oil…
then we were purchasing from a supplier from a lab that over time started to decline in potency … my first stack cycle with deca and test prop was pretty weak and I didn’t really figure it out until I did another cycle same stack from a different company and got some incredible results …