Whats your favorite 'weird' snack...?


Looking to try out some weird shit…
Like my favorite is Peanut M&Ms and Coffee (straight black) I eat a couple M&M’s and then take a few drinks of my coffee…


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When growing up my mom and dad had some friends who always had “old fashioned” candies out. I still have a taste for licorice “SNAPS”. I can’t find them anymore. But when I did I’d eat a whole fuckin bag…
I’ve got another that freaking great.
I toast 2 slices of Ezekiel bread, spread peanut butter over the top and then drop all my egg whites right over it all… Such an amazing combo.
Cream cheese on a rice cake? You put some whiskey in your coffee this morning…???
I couldn’t even imagine that even being remotely good… Clearly you’re drunk. hahah!
Side note, might have to try that…
Peanut butter m&ms after a show. One weird thing I like is macaroni and cheese with ketchup lol haven’t done that in years
Man it’s awesome I would’ve never did it but it was suggested on the back of the pack. It not much just a little. Adds a little tang which to me with the honey is good.