SB Labs

Looking for Advice


Well-known member
Let’s try again. I am looking for solid advice on my next recomp and how to take the best advantage of the following items I’ve collected. I have: 2 -1mg bottles of igf1 Lr3, 2 -50 mcg vials of lr3, a 2mg vial of peg mfg (none reconstituted yet), 500mg of test cyp plus a bunch more cyp from my trt. 25 capsules of stenabolic and 130 capsules of mk-677. The workhorse will be test. I was able to add sustained and retained 15 pounds of mass from my first cycle, went from 165 to 200 and trimmed fat back to my lowest at 180, about 12% body fat. Will eat big again and hope to add 15 more sustainable muscle and hover in the 195-200 pound range when done. Want to bulk as lean as possible so would be interested in some ideas that have worked for you masters. I’m 56 with just a bit of nagging shoulder pain. Overall just and old fart that doesn’t look like and old fart. But I’m no monster at 6’ 180-185. I have a couple pics but it’s not worth posting for the laughs. Any honest help is appreciated

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If you want to bulk as lean as possible, I’d start as lean as possible. Like single digits lean.

I don’t have a ton of experience with LR3 but I think you’d like your results better if already lean.

I’m pretty sure oral stenbolic has next to no oral bioavailability. As far as mk I wouldn’t touch it with a 10foot pole. Not when GH is as cheap as it is. It’s going to pack on bloat like a mother.

I find 12% bf estimate to be an average guess of someone who doesn’t have a true idea, and it’s usually higher. I say diet down as lean as you can possibly get and prime your body (insulin sensitivity) to take on as much as you can. Don’t dive head first into massive cals. Titrate up as you stop growing and you will avoid getting fat while you do it.

If all you have is test and can’t get anything else then just run test. If you do take my advice and diet down to single digits, add the LR3 in at 50mcg a day for a couple weeks while you’re really lean. But you desensitize quick to this stuff and you can’t use it long term.

If you can get some more gear I personally would use EQ or nandrolone along side the test. I don’t know what your dose history is or health history or AAS use history. So it’s kind of hard to give direction.
Neuro said:
Not when GH is as cheap as it is
This was my latest game changer. Dosing at 2-3 iu @ day for 5-7 days a week has made me feel great.

I mix in bpc-157 and glutathione 1-5 days for one heck of cocktail.

Our sponsors here have some top notch stuff.

Other than weeding through some nerve damage problems in my legs… I feel great!
Fifty3 said:
I’m 56 with just a bit of nagging shoulder pain
What worked for me under @Neuro and @BBSQ5 tutelage was

300mg test cyp and 300mgs mast E a week split into 3 doses

Along with

The above mentioned gh glutathione bpc cocktail.

Our goals are different. I’m fighting to keep weight off for medical reasons. My body wants to jump to 200 plus right now but I won’t let it.

I’ve lost aprox 25 pounds with betes meds and portion control.

Please keep us posted. Us old dude’s need to stick together.
Oh yeah… I quit bench pressing and added in ytw’s often . That healed everything up nicely.
As usual, your assumption is spot on. I don’t know exactly my bf. It I were to listen the Mr Dr I’m almost obese at 6’-184 can see abs … see them best while flexing. About all I have left is damn upper rear hip fat… drives me nuts. If I diet till that’s gone I will be 175 and lose mass I desperately want to keep… (or so I think)
Can you say what up with mk677? I’ve been told it helps eating. I am getting sick of eating just to maintain where I’m at and it’s killing muscular gains. I’ve been flat for months. Little to no gain but a muscle and lifts stay in the same damn range (plateaued) I intend to eat lean meats and veggies and brown rice and good fats but fear I won’t be able to get to 3500 calories a day …
As always appreciate the advice
Fifty3 said:
If I diet till that’s gone I will be 175 and lose mass I desperately want to keep
Brother… my 2 cents worth… fat = bad mass unless you’re a powerlifter looking for a pr or some sort of record… or an nfl lineman.

I’m of the opinion that our bodies levitate to a natural weight and there’s a point to where packing it on is unhealthy… to carry too much excess weight, even muscle. I’m all about losing fat… can’t go wrong there. Carrying around muscle isn’t a bad idea either.

There’s a reason those ~300 lb ifbb pros drop 50 lbs immediately upon retirement.

My advice which is worth exactly what I charged ya… nothing.
Fifty3 said:
If I diet till that’s gone I will be 175 and lose mass I desperately want to keep
That mass is fat and not mass. You will grow better on a rebound if you strip it off. And you will be able to gain leaner longer. 10lbs. Generously probably 8lbs of fat MAYBE 2lbs of muscle. Realistically 9:1. To put your body in a prime position to grow.

Mk is known for appetite increase for sure. But with watery wet look. I see no real use for sarms when we’ve got the real thing or real peptides like GHRP-6 that will make you want to eat the damn house without the water gain.
Fifty3 said:
I’ve been flat for months.
IF, big if, you are flat add carbs on higher work output days to restore glycogen, cycle your cals and carbs around your workout output. Most likely you are not flat, but rather don’t have the muscle mass to look “full” at a lower weight. I’m eating right at 2000cals a day, I’m 225.7 lbs this morning, single digit body fat and I am not flat. Use your carbs appropriately around your workout. If you are actually not getting a pump etc. take a day and refeed the glycogen stores.

If you’ve been in Maintnence, diet. Cut it down. Then bulk it up. Your appetite will take care of itself most likely at the beginning as you will have been in a deficit.