When to start up again


Well-known member
Hey guys so I did my first cycle a little while back. I got off the deca a little over 2 months ago and dropped the test down 6 weeks ago. When can I go back on? My body feels fine and I really got no side effects during.
I think everyone is going to have their own opinions I always judge my body brother. I have blasted for 6 weeks before and cruised on my TRT and HGH for 6 months then I have gone on a 8 month cycle. I think it’s good to do blood and listen to your body brother.
I’ve got 4 weeks till pct then probably get bloods done 6 weeks after and if all is well the. Hop on my test deca dbol cycle
It maybe just old “bro-science” but I was always told that you have to wait the length of the cycle including time on pct before starting again.
I’ve been using that method for years. If you’re on 16 weeks, come off 16 weeks. Pretty much every Youtube video you see says basically the same thing. There is more to it than bro science.
I’ve considered cruising but I have all the pct stuff so I may as well use it I’ll probably go longer off but I want to se where I’m at 6 weeks after
Blood work first … if your bloodwork is good then take off if liver and kidneys are still saying wait a minute wait a minute how many people you seen that felt fine and had some kinda crazy shit happen like cancer or surgery?
I always use my private labs or if you can get your doctor to run one call him and see if he will then insurance would cover it 😀 that way your spleen don’t fall out one day for no reason hahaha hey doc I wanna get swole Somethings that help with recovery off cycle would be not drinking, drugs , no sugary shit like coke smoking and not talking about weed I truly believe it does have lots of benefits in moderation drinking a lot of water
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