Which is a better bulking cycle


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im on a cut at the moment so im planning my next cycle which ill do probably around march. i dont wanna puff up too big and try to stay lean as possible so im kinda leaning toward EQ with anadrol as a kick start. but obviously im also thinking dbol with deca and instead of running the dbol for 4 weeks at 50mg a day maybe go 8 weeks with it at 25mg a days. obviously slower gains but im thinking less bloat if i do it that way. whats everyone’s opinion
Cannot go wrong with a test, deca, dbol cycle…that stack has been used for decades. Lower dosages, longer runs have always worked best for me… 16 weeks, I always drop the dbol after week 4. Keep your food clean, lots of water and consistent daily cardio… water retention will be minimized. Just my two cents! Good luck
What’s cardio? Kidding of course. I can’t truly weigh in on the subject as I still believe myself to be a newbie, but you’re definitely asking the right people here. Tried and true methods are usually the best route.
@John I’d say give it another go, start at around 500-600 and give it a little longer. I loved it both times I ran it and didn’t even get to run as long as I would have liked to which would have been at least 16 weeks but I had to drop it due to cutting weight after 9.
Will do, I used 600 when I did it that time, I already have my whole next cycle/pct lined up and waiting for the new year… so I will probably give the Eq a shot again as the next one.
So EQ. I did my first EQ run earlier this year, a long run. It accomplished what I was trying to do which was maintain muscle mass from the previous cycle. It did that very well, but as for bulking I saw no gains at all. It may be just my body, but I personally wouldn’t use it to bulk, but it’s great for a “bridge” or “extension” of another cycle. I won’t be bridging again though either, but that’s beside the point.
if i started with test E a few weeks in advance would that be ok to run with npp or should also use a quicker ester of test. im asking cause im stocked up on test e and c lol
No I actually run test e or c with it I don’t like to run prop for more than a kick or a taper but yes you can wait a week to start but I haven’t found it to be useful but I do believe that it helps to run your test 2wk longer nandrolone sticks around for awhile even with a short ester.
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