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SB Labs

Who all here takes gear

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Man when I came off years ago for health issue I felt like death. My dr put me back on test because my levels were so low. Glad you feel better.
I have been on gear 4 years, pushed very hard for a year. Then got injuried and now take much lower doses but have everything much more optimized. I am 240-250lbs most the time, right now on 140mg self prescribed TRT taking 100mg test e E5D subQ. planning on going back on cycle in a month for a short 6 week cycle.

In a couple years when done with grad school I want to run a good 20 week cycle of high dose Test/Primo/HGH/Slin like 2000 test 1000 primo 10-15iu hgh
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I’m jot an expert and I’ve taken things longer than wanted but never shorter. Tren last cycle. I was ready for sleep by the time my meet came around and was done with the tren. But wasn’t giving up the strength
I have ran several cycles in the past. I’ve been on a ~5 year hiatus from the gym. I believe I came down with a bad case of vaginitis, but I figured it’s time to get back at it. It’ll be a slow reintroduction considering duration of time since I lasted lifted. No gear for now, just looking at the new sources to see what options I have available.
Havent been on gear in years. In the gym alot but work ruins the diet and its not worth the money for gear when i cant eat for the results. A few more years and i will be able to eat again.
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