Who here has delt with FAI (femoroacetabular impingement)


Long story short, I subluxed my left hip in 2006 working and never really had any issues with it afterwards except minor nagging pain here and there. In 2015 during meet prep I experienced another subluxation during a squat workout. Ever since then it feels like there is an oyster shucker in my hip trying to separate everything. For those of you who have experienced this, what was your solution? Stretching, rest and time or surgery? My injury forced me to retire from competitive lifting at the age of 35, probably when I was my strongest ever. I know go to the doctor is the best advice, but I’ve had multiple surgeries on my shoulder and one on my knee, would like to prolong my hip as long as possible
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It’s a shot in the dark but you may want to talk to a bioidentical doctor or go to an anti aging clinic and talk to them about platelet replacement therapy. It has done wonders for athletes over the last few years and is becoming a more acceptable and accessible practice in the US.
I think I recall reading about and watching some YouTube videos of Brandon Lilly having that done after he tore both of his patellar tendons and fought a few wicked infections. I’ve tried different stretches, and even had one friend who’s a chiropractor tell me it’s not FAI, but instead piriformis syndrome. I told him it can’t be piriformis because the pain is in my hip itself and not deep under my glute muscle.