Who’s gyms are opening? And what’s on your next run?

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Here in my state the gyms are opening back up!
I’ve been lucky enough to have a gym the entire time, but my main gym is finally open!

Going to start my next run here next week, summer is here!
I’m sitting at about 185lbs at 5’9 with about ~10-12% bf…

My next cycle will be:
6iu HGH
Weeks 1-8 EQ 600mg a week
Weeks 4-16 flash blend @ 300 a week
Weeks 4-16 60mg var and win

I also stay on my TRT protocol at 200mg a week of test cyp.

I’m hoping to hit 195lb and a lean single digit bf.
I’ll have to do a before and after pic.
My last run I hit 191lb at 9%bf (per the scan)
Got the flu and dropped down to 181lb. Haha
That’s a good looking cycle! My gym opens in the next 2-3 weeks. I’ll be starting with test/npp and finishing with test/tren, I’ll add sdrol throughout. I’ll be logging it.
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You shouldn’t have a problem reaching that goal I was thinking about how you would stay so lean but that cycle will keep you there especially with your diet being on point. You can put on alot of gains over that period of time with those compounds.

Your going to run 60mg of winny and 60 of var?
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My state is letting 77 county’s go back to normal, I’m in one of the 22 that had the quarantine extended until May 15th. Once gyms open back up here, they’ll only be able to operate at 50% capacity for a while, which means I’ll have to work out early in the AM if I want to work out. As far as my next run, 500 mg Test E wk split into Tuesday Friday injections, and NPP @ 100 mg e.o.d., I’ll probably run that for the better part of the rest of the year, try to gain as much strength back in my new hip as I can. May even throw in 50 mg/day of anadrol for 5 weeks
Gyms opened last Friday here gonna probably just work out 4-6 weeks to get back in the swing then may hit a short cycle of npp test p On top of my trt protocol. Then start stashing for a 16-20 week eq run?
Why only running the eq for 8 weeks ? Just curious it always seems to shine best for longer periods in my adventures it’s my favorite compound I know I’m crazy right but I would rather run it than anything
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My diet has been really good, maybe not so much the last couple weeks… been enjoying the “laxed” gym routine and eating delivery with the fam. A slight deload, if you will.

Yeah the var and win will be ran during the second phase. May hold off some on the win, depends on how lean I actually am at that point. I’ve never ran EQ, so I’m playing it by sight.
Yeah I caught that about EQ, I’m planning to front load. I know there’s a lot of different opinions on front loading, but the people I trust/like seem to believe in it…
You know your body better than anyone if it works for you who am I to judge I have frontloaded eq before just wasn’t as smooth a transition for me but I’m old and worn out how much you frontload on 900-1800-2700
I would be careful running that amount of oral aas its going to definitely effect your lipids negatively. I would say one or the other or maybe lower the dose but I would reccomend one or the other just to keep healthy.
I think I’ll start with pinning every day for the first few days, then go to twice a week for a “front load”
Yeah I hear ya. I’ve ran that much orals in the past and had blood word done. Panels came back high, but not to where my doctor was concerned…
May take your advice though and drop to 40mg and wait to run the win till the last bit…
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