Why all the gear pics but no logs or labs?


Well-known member
There seems to me to be a trend occurring where folks are jumping to post pics of the gear they just got but 2 months later…no labs, no log, no actual information that is helpful at all.

I love getting goodies in the mail! Thank you Gear Church for the Christmas in Feb ! Pictures are great? Logs and labs are better. The phrase “Lipstick on a pig” comes to mind. IJL had good looking product that caused abscesses. I vote for more labs and logs and less pictures of “gear porn” or better yet accompany your pics of product with some before and after shots, blood work, or number of boners you get daily from some fire ass test!

I love pictures of boobs. Boobs are great as long as their isn’t a dong attached you cant see. Like pics of vials with tight crimps and sweet labels…is there a huge dick waiting to fuck you on the other end???
Do you lab and log and post all your before and after pics? Lotta guys don’t wanna post pics for various reasons, I didn’t know there was a vote going on.
No I think he’s right though @John. They don’t necessarily need to post pics or logs but at least making posts to update on bloods, the product use like PIP etc and some reviews for the sponsors would be nice.

There’s far too many gear whores and hording going on amongst the boards, not necessarily ours, but the boards put in a lot of effort to ensure we have good sources and making more than a 1 line post “I got my gear” is beneficial to the entire community
Yes were are all the reviews.
Is anyone using the gear that they are buying lol
Lets hear what is good and what isn’t because it helps me alot.
I have never posted either. I absolutely intend to this cycle for a few reasons:
  1. I never ran labs before, ever. Wrong answer but the truth. I know I jeopardized my health. Any responsible user of AAS should get labs done, I understand this fact today. The example we set can change a culture.
  2. I have never posted pics because of very identifiable ink. I always thought " If I have to black out so much whats the point?" The answer is a tight fitting shirt that will show the overall changes but not show anyone else anything else.
  3. Not an attack on anyone. I have lurked on BB sites for a few years and never really contributed. I felt like I was sort of taking without returning. I want to change that and believe strongly that lab work or before and after pics are more telling of a products efficacy than a picture of its package.
They have the blurr feature in the gallery and it will blurr out your tats and face but allow us to see your size.
Im not pushing you to post pictures just an idea