Wierd reaction to new low dose blend


I purchased from a new source and everything came very quickly after the order was established. Pinned the first time on Monday and it was smooth. No initial pip whatsoever on a blend of 100 test p, mast p and tren a.

Tuesday I felt fatigued and later had a fever. I treated this as an infection taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds although there was no knot, swelling or discoloration at the site. This morning the fever was gone but there is severe pain at the site. This has never happened with lower doses of any compound unless they used miglyol as a carrier. Typically it would be accompanied with swelling, knots, and pain and outside of miglyol, has only happened with doses above 250 in a site. I prepped the site well and made sure everything remained sterile. Pain has me rethinking another shot but I purchased enough gear for a full cycle.

Anyone have any ideas on what potentially happened and how to prevent or prepare for next shot?
I agree with @Bigmurph it sounds like the carrier used and if it is Mig most users don’t take well to it , I have no idea why labs use it other than it can hold higher concentrations . Most users can even handle EO better than Mig.
I have some pure grapeseed that I may try to add next shot which was supposed to be today. Will give it a try on Friday and reach out to the source. Been stretching and massaging the site for 2 days. Much better but that experience is not one I want each shot.
As I got older. I had less and less tolerance for short esters. I mean like I broke 43 years old. And they stated hurting for days. I even bought different product and had the same results. IDK. Or it could be the carrier they are using.
You old goat 🐐 nothing like the pimp limp for days to get you rethinking your whole outlook who doesn’t remember some of the underground test p with a foaming pit bull showing his teeth on the bottle or some of that oh sooooooo smooth test 500 that have some serious Easter eggs just in time for Easter 🐣 too
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