Winstrol and NPP questions


Well-known member
Hey guys what’s up, wanted to start a little discussion on everyone’s thoughts on NPP, I’ve read a little bit on it, but I’m getting answers that are few and far between, some saying it’s superior to deca, others saying it’s a mild version of it with out the water retention. Also heard it stacks wonderfully with EQ as deca is a no go with stacking EQ.

Also, I start winstrol tomorrow to finish out my cycle, looking for the do’s and don’t’s on winstrol, I’ve been told if you’re going to take a cheat day do not take winstrol that day as it will force fuck all the calories back into your body. Thoughts?
It’s definitely not a mild version of it. As long as your diet and training is in check you will add quality mass. Go look at my DHB log, that’s from an NPP run. I’ve never run Deca so I can’t compare and contrast…

NPP is my favorite compound I’ve used. It’s simply a different Ester attached to nandrolone, although I think some who have used both would say it does act a bit differently.

I’ll let those who have used both chime in. I stacked NPP and EQ no problem.
I’ve really wanted to try EQ I’m just looking for the right stack. Are you experienced with EQ? I’ve heard it can tank sex drive. Is this true?
I’ve used EQ a lot. I’ve never had this problem. It does cause anxiety for me at higher doses (600mg)
If you haven’t tried it yet, I would say go test and EQ only. That way you know How you respond. I would and could never recommend running multiple new compounds at once.

What’s the concern with Deca?

Also explain how winstrol will force the calories back in on cheat day? I’m unfamiliar with this.
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As am I which is why I asked. I was told it will soak the fat up in everything you eat which is why a low fat diet is recommended, but again… I come to the pro’s with these questions that’s why I’m here. I’m new, I’m ignorant to this shit, I pick shit up… I put it down and let you guys tell me why I shouldn’t do certain things lol. I’m just trying to learn that’s all.
But I had great results on deca… at 600 my dick started acting funny but I’m not sure if that was the lack of AI’s or not. All a learning exp. for me.
Oh I wasn’t being a dick. I was genuinely asking. No one knows everything there is to know. I haven’t heard of that, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Which is why I asked you about it.
I have yes … and actually I think me and you just talked about the tren and you grilled me on it a little bit (rightfully so) but yeah it’s all been a learning experience… I think I want to stay away from tren for a bit, I had no side effects until the last week and I did some shit that made me never want to touch it again.
To be honest I think you need to sit back and
Learn. I know the drive is to jump to the next cycle… and that has its place. But this is the second post that has me concerned for your longevity, health, and safety.

This is a lifelong marathon buddy.

Please stop jumping on compounds without knowing enough about them. This place is an
Incredible resource. Use the magnifying glass and search everything.

I think you need to learn a lot before your next cycle. And I’m not being a dick. You can ask anyone here, I’m genuinely interested in keeping members safe and healthy.
I love NPP. Never used Deca. NPP is also my favorite compound paired with Test E. I saw good gains 14 pounds of lean mass over 8 weeks. Also had proviron in there. I never used winny. Can’t cause my beat up joints.
Its nandrolone with a phenylpropionate ester which is heavy so you need to up your dose a bit because you lose a bit of nandrolone to the ester.

Nandrolone deconate is nandrolone with an ezter that lasts extremely long and you can take a lower dose and get the same reaction because even though it takes a very long time to get going once it does kt keeps going for a long time after you stop using it

Decca is definitely a bulking compound
Npp is a bulking compound or cutting compound but that depends upon your diet just like with every other cycle.

I prefer test e/npp/proviron/tbol its an amazing 14-16wk cycle that will work so you don’t hold 10lbs or more of water

The other way is
Test e/decca/proviron or mast/dbol, adrol,

You write that you want to use winny sounds like you want to get lean not bulk. Go with npp and the correct diet to achieve your goals.