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Working Out During Vacation

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Though I am taking it a bit easy given on a nice vacation with family, still want to put in some decent resistance training with the limited equipment I could bring. We ended snagging a 6 cabin room houseboat for just my wife and the 2 oldest kids (free of charge due a bit of a fiasco with our initial reservations…long story but all ended up WAY in our favor to rectify the issue). As a result I turned one into a designated workout room. 😎

Been able to use a variety of bands that go up to ~150 lbs and my adjustable kettlebell that I have 2 25s, 2 10s, and 2 5s. Also have been doing obvious body weight exercises such as push-ups and pull-ups. Can’t post a pic as my connection won’t allow it! Iron Moose Gym has become mobile for now!

Curious what others use if on a vacation without any access to a gym. What are your essentials?
12-24 oz curls if I can’t get to gym. Sometimes I think I need the full week away to just
Let everybody hung recoup from going. Hard. I wish I reloaded better but I have troubles going to gym and not pushing it
Shock6050 said:
my adjustable kettlebell
I still want one so bad I was looking through scrap to see if I could build one and just weld it up but couldn’t find what I needed im definitely getting one so much can be done so easily
I hope that you enjoy the vacation with the family a boathouse sounds amazing.

I gotta get away for a week or two
Your good not training on vacation when you come back you will feel so rested and healed.

I only train on vacation when I get access to an amazing gym lol gotta take advantage of that
Last year I found a gym that i didn’t want to leave pretty much just powlerlifying equipment and that’s it. Would be great for my prep. But out side of that I’ve been bitten by the bb side but to ouch to use as primary gym haha although would love be able to Access something like that here
Thanks for all the replies and sorry for the delay in responding back (very spotty connection). As most suggested I essentially treated this as more of a deload, but still wanted to just get a little work in as I feel much better after a good (even if short and not as intense) workout. Got quite a few good hikes in traveling up to some very high bluffs that overlook the lake and of course a lot of swimming with the family. I’d suggest the same for others when going on a week or 2 vacation and have really been hitting it hard for months. Let your body recover a bit! Now that I’m back I’m ready to start hitting it hard again tomorrow morning.

Side note: will post a separate thread but fishing was EXTREMELY successful! 7 nice size rainbows, and one largemouth bass my son caught on his on on a deep diving crank bait he just had in the water separate from the downrigger. About 3.5 lbs! All the trout were actually hitting shallower than I’m used to (25-35 ft). Spoons and Rapala crank baits worked best on the downrigger. They really liked bright colors (yellow, neon green, pink). This was our dinner feast last night and is not even all the fish!

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