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Working out in the heat: what you should know


Well-known member

As we prepare for the coming of summer and its warmer weather…

You might be making your way to family barbecues, outings to the lake or beach, or any of the other enjoyable activities we usually take part in at this time of year. And with all of that enjoyment, it’s even more crucial to take into account things like water consumption and dehydration.

Not only for your health but also for feeling and performing at your best. Additionally, if you want to lose weight or build lean muscle this summer, staying hydrated will be essential for both goals.

The body will find it harder and harder to cool itself as the temperature and humidity levels climb. Sweating is how the body cools itself, and water is shed from the body as a result. It has been observed that the average individual can lose between 1.5 and 1.7 liters of fluid each hour while exercising (REF), which is 50 ounces! Surprising amounts of water can be lost!

Many aspects of performance start to decline when water loss exceeds 1 percent of the person’s body mass (about one 20-ounce bottle of water for a 170-pound athlete), and this downward spiral gets worse as the degree of dehydration rises (REF). Your performance and health are affected to a greater extent as you grow more dehydrated.

The fact that it is practically impossible to consume enough fluids when exercising to properly hydrate yourself while continuing to exercise in the heat is an important element that many athletes do not completely comprehend.

Regular fluid intake is the greatest approach to prevent fluid loss from occurring during, before, and after exercise. The stomach simply finds it challenging to absorb and release sufficient fluid to enable rehydration to occur (REF).

In other words, once you start to experience the harmful effects of dehydration, it is very difficult to stop without further dehydration.

This is not a major concern if you’re out playing a fun game of soccer or shooting hoops, but if you’re taking part in a competition, a race, or a triathlon, it could seriously affect how you perform.

One issue is when it has a bad effect on your performance, but your general health might also experience quite serious issues. There is no doubt that exercising in high heat and humidity requires caution.

It’s unfortunate, but every summer you hear in the news about athletes in high school or college who suffer from heat ailments brought on by the sweltering summer heat and occasionally tragically pass away.

Once more, dehydration is a severe issue that you should be aware of and take precautions against every day. for safety, effectiveness, and health.

The following is a brief overview of the factors to take into account to make sure you can enjoy outdoor exercise

If at all feasible, all clothing should be light-colored, allow for quick evaporation against the skin, and have sufficient ventilation. This is a crucial factor.

This is simple for bikers and runners, but it might be difficult for athletes whose activity requires them to wear protective padding on their outfit.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
You should take extra precautions to ensure that you’re drinking enough water when you know it’s going to be hot and humid outside.

A few recommendations include consuming a lot of liquids the day before, whether they be electrolyte drinks or simple water, and choosing foods with a high water content as well, including fresh fruits and vegetables.

There should be enough of clear urine in your system (see below for more on this).

Electrolytes are critical minerals that are crucial for numerous important bodily processes. You must obtain them through food or electrolyte drinks because your body is unable to manufacture them on its own. Sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, and magnesium are the primary electrolytes, and they are all essential for maintaining a healthy fluid balance and level of hydration.

Drink 1.5 to 2 cups of water or sports drink within 30 minutes before beginning exercise and aim to drink 1.5 to 2 cups of fluid or sports drink every 15 to 20 minutes while exercising, for a total hourly intake of roughly 4.5 to 8 cups of water or sports drink. However, try to spread it out to avoid getting too much liquid in your stomach at once.

Weight Loss
Knowing how much weight you shed during the workout will help you remember to drink two cups of liquid for every pound lost.

Urine Color
Drink a lot until your urine turns from what is likely a darker yellow or gold to a pale yellow or clear look if you are unsure of how much weight you lost.

As was already said, checking your urine color might serve as a gauge for your level of hydration. Your urine will be more abundant and light-yellow or clear when you are well-hydrated.
Your urine will change color as dehydration worsens, going from a clear yellow to a darker yellow to a gold or orange to a brown tone. The darker your pee gets, the less of it you will make. Always make an effort to maintain the clearest urine possible.

It’s crucial to realize that working in an environment with controlled humidity and temperature poses less physical stress on the body in terms of cooling down.

Therefore, it offers a considerable difficulty to cool your body when you change into your workout clothing to go for a run in the middle of the day when temperatures and humidity are high.

Get outside frequently and work out during the periods you plan to compete to help your body adjust to the more difficult environments.

Warning Signs
Heat-related injuries can happen to anyone. It’s important to highlight symptoms like feeling unbearably hot, dizzy, and disoriented, but if anyone starts to lose their feet or their meal, it’s time to quit whether they want to or not.

What should you do if you or a friend overdid it: Rapid Cooling
First, stop what you’re doing and move into a cool building. If you’re outside, choose a shade spot next to a building or beneath a tree.

It would be best if you could find a cool, shaded area where there is some air flow. Drink cold water or sports drinks if you can until you start to feel better. Don’t start working out again.

More severe cooling is necessary if the person has unluckily suffered a period of weakness, fainting, nausea, or becomes ill.

The best course of action is to submerge them to their necks in a cold water bath.

When they are not readily available, ice packs made from coolers or cold towels submerged in an ice bath can be used to chill the body by applying them to the person’s neck, groin, and armpits.
These actions should be taken right away, and in some cases, you might even need to contact for medical assistance.

Even though greater temperatures and humidity levels can make it difficult for the body to regulate its temperature, using common sense, a few extra measures, and paying attention to how you are feeling can help you avoid serious heat-related disorders.

Once more, the goal of this blog is to make your summertime outdoor activities and workouts more enjoyable.

While serving as a reminder to drink water all throughout the day, while you’re outside exercising, and afterward as well.