Your Cycle Theory and the “Anabolic Matrix”


Well-known member
I’m wondering what everyone’s cycle theory is for best gains and least side effects. Meaning do you prefer Test only in higher doses? Lower doses longer cycles? Blast everything for a short time then cruise? Full pct? Etc.

Also want to know everyone’s thoughts on the “Anabolic Matrix” theory (coined by everyone’s favorite degenerate aka Tony Huge). I don’t think it’s really a novel idea by any means, but I find it interesting. It involves taking more reasonable doses from each “category”. So you might do your test base, throw in a 19-nor derived AAS (Nandralone or Tren), add a compound from DHT column (let’s say Primo or an oral) add in GH or even MK-677 and a little insulin.

The theory is you are covering each potential growth pathway so you can take much lower doses relative to what you would be using of you utilized each compound alone or with 1-2 others. Any thoughts guys?

(Edit: I removed the part about myostatin inhibitors. If anyone has experience with them your thoughts are welcome, but I’m mainly curious about the theory of covering all of these growth pathways with lower relative doses)
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My thoughts on sarms… i hate em. I feel like shit and I’ve ran some expensive ones.
One big reason I dont like em is most steroids have severel decades of studys on how they work and what sides to look out for,
Doesn’t yk11 make you have blue tinted vision? I mean damn
Haha I’m not sure about that specifically, but It does seem a lot of SARMS are proving to have quite a few more side effects when actually used in a bodybuilding context than originally reported. (If anyone is interested they might find More Plates More Dates videos on his bloodwork after injecting only 3mg a day of LGD aka Magnalone interesting)

I was mainly asking about you guy’s thoughts on the overall theory of covering multiple growth pathways with lower relative dosages, as well as your personal theories on maximizing growth and minimizing negative outcomes.
it is interesting that SARMS seem like they can have a lot worse side effects in practice than what’s been theorized, while the opposite seems to be true for steroids. Obviously they can and will effect health negatively, especially when used improperly, but with proper use it seems they are often less deleterious to health outcomes than we often hear theorized
I personally will never do sarms. There is so little long term studies or information gathered that it’s like a crapshoot with your health. Plus I bet most are bs. Why try something not tested, with a lesser effect than true AAS that have been studied and used safely for decades?

If I understood Your question correctly, the most solid stack, with NO side effects (for me) is my go to and the only one I run now.

Test C or E - (I use 500-600 mg)
NPP - (I use 700 mg)
DBol split - (I use 50 mg daily) 4wk on 4wk off
EQ - (I did 600 on the last run, trying 900 this time)
Somatropin - (I do 4 iu daily split)

Now since getting info from @John about superdrol, I have swapped the DBol for Sdrol in my current run. I have not yet seen the gains from it like I did from the same combo with DBol, but I’m sure they’re coming. I’m only 2 1/2 weeks into this cycle.
It seemed like the DBol in the mix on my last run gave me Tren-like results, with none of the sides. I may have retained a little water, but nothing other than that.

I do have high BP now, so I guess I can’t say “no side effects,” but I’m not sure which run or compound caused that.
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Thank you for the detailed response.

I was mainly asking about your personal cycle theory (which you basically provided) as well as people’s thoughts on the “anabolic matrix” theory of covering these multiple growth pathways with relatively lower doses. I just used the YK-11 as an example of a compound supposedly inhibiting myostatin. We can forget about YK-11 and/or myostatin inhibition altogether.

Maybe I worded the question improperly. I might edit to avoid confusion. Thank you for your input
Also the gains with Dbol I feel like your gonna see quicker because of water, but superD makes me feel fuller, but more tight and lean like, if that makes sense @BrandonIron
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I’m lean, don’t take on much water weight, so won’t waste time with orals of that nature, also dbol, abombs kill my appetite,with superD, it don’t help my appetite, but it doesn’t affect it negatively. It compliments my body, more then most other AAS, I know it’s toxic, so yes to liver supps, 20 mg daily, not split,before workout if possible, 3 weeks, 4 tops. A few times a year I add it in.
@VictoryKnocks thank you for the question.

For starters, lets address the human body and I am going to make this very middle school so everyone can follow my methods working with people with having HIV to IFBB pro coachs.

The human body contains of 3 critical receptors no more no less when talking about the endocrine system in which we are discussing muscle.

1.) SHR(steroid hormone receptors) are found in the nucleus, cytosol, and also on the plasma membrane of target cells. They are generally intracellular (typically cytoplasmic or nuclear) and initiate signal transduction for steroid hormones which lead to changes in gene expression over a time period of hours to days- Thus where esters play a crucial role.

2.) Pituitary Gland (HGH Hub spot) This gene encodes a protein that is a trans membrane the receptor for growth hormone. Binding of growth hormone to the receptor leads to reorientation of a pre-assembled receptor dimerization. Thus building and adding new muscle cells and healing properties to the human body. This is binding with Receptor 2B

3.) Pancreas( Insulin Hub spot) This is a shuttling matrix that gene encodes cell and trans membranes to flood with nutrient retention. This is binding with Receptor 2C EXPERTS ONLY

So when looking at the short building blocks the body needs for overall systematic growth my off season Cycle c for bodybuilders will consist of something like the following below encompassing what we discuss and i will explain why on each compound…

The Cycle below is attended for use of veteran and pro AAS users only!

16 weeks Oils
Test Ent 250mg- .5cc 3x weekly EOD
Sustanon 400mg- .5cc 3x weekly EOD
Deca 300mg- 1cc 2x weekly Monday and Friday
EQ 300mg- 1cc 2x weekly Monday and Friday

Anti E-
Arimidex 1mg- ,5mg 2x weekly on non shot days

Orals 4 week Kick start weeks 1-4
Anadrol 50mg daily split meal 1 and meal 6

6iu’s daily split into 2iu dosages meal 1, 3 and 6

5ius 3x daily 15mins with insulin protocol- Huge discussion would need to be had on timely, dosage and how to build tissue over fat.

So as you see above the cycle dose everything and does not let the body or endocrine system falter by leaving something out. You truly are running on 100% receptor saturation vs taking some test and dbol and gaining water.

Form your AAS standpoint you cover all aggressors on Receptor 1A from ester and half life from 17B compounds down to your 19 NOR compounds.

Then we are focused not only on tearing down the tissue and getting stronger, bigger muscles. We are also focused on creating new cells and only HGH can do this! So we now are building and creating new.

Lastly, we take insulin and allow the body to force feed our muscles and give them the fuel for hyper expansion. So then in theory we are building, Creating new and given the cells a feeding oasis for the best anabolism properties.

Hope this helps as always and i want to state every cycle and timing is different per person and body goals along with Stats and blood work every month.

FYI just to touch briefly SARMs stay away due to lack of research and one thing i do believe in is the FDA and clinical trials. NOT RATS!!!

Thank you as always! OP
Thank you very much for the extremely detailed response. This is exactly the type of response I was hoping for, and I obviously went to the right place to get it haha. I saw your profile and some of your posts literally just last night but they have me a sneaking suspicion you just might be able to elaborate on this in a way we would all really benefit from.

I want to thank you Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to bless us with that level of knowledge in a format we can actually understand.